poia tatiana kale?![]()
poia tatiana kale?![]()
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
ti eipe h tatiana? Kala allh anegkefalh ayth. Opws kai h Eyan8ia Ntagkounakh. Eixe kanei ena reportaz gia ton Satanismo, kai ebrize ta metal sugkrothmata. Kai leei se kapoia fash to ekshs epiko:
"An to paidi sas, exei arxisei na kremaei sto dwmatio tou afises me ton <<eksw apo dw>>, na foraei anapodous stayrous, na akouei anti gia mousikh anar8res krayges kai hxous, apo paganistika sugkrothmata, na sfazei kokores mesa se pentalfa(oxi auto den to eipe, egw to lew gia na dramatopoihsw ta pragmata perissotero).... Tote, na eisaste sigouroi oti to paidi sas den einai se kalo dromo....."
Kai skeytomai.....
Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.
TATIANA STEFANIDOU pou zeite. ola osa ebgale gia to vampire the masquerade k ta loipa k kala satanistika rpg den ta eidate pote? epistrefei drumhterh, as ksekremasei kapoios to demon the fallen apo ta rafia parakalw dioti den mas swnei tpt. apagoreumena tha katantisoune sto telos.
This is my favourite sad story, Forget me not or I'll forget myself.. I've got quite a few things that I'm afraid of, sometimes I just can't face myself...
re c...
mhn xexnate thn kalh fou filh "annita pania" opou apo oikonomologos pou exei spoudasei...
kai afou mas eprixe xronia os miss "vrisko ton erota sas" sto xryso koufeto epistrefei dynamikh kai tora teleytea thn exei dei eidikh analytria tou satanismou tou true omos sta paratragouda....enhmerothite re!!!!eleos...lolllllzzzz
the passion of lovers,is for dead said she...
forgive me father for i am a sin...
it cant rain all the time...
oxi sta paratragouda zwon, stis aupnies. h true occult ekpomph me kalesmenous sougklako k gkouzgkounh. nai nai , nomizw oti oloi exoume na mathoume polla apo thn annita. FOBOU
This is my favourite sad story, Forget me not or I'll forget myself.. I've got quite a few things that I'm afraid of, sometimes I just can't face myself...
...pairnoume to occult...
...pros8etoume kapoia rp stoixeia...
...ta bazoume sto mplenter...
...kai pernoume to star thlefwno...
...eimaste diashmoi...
mayoi kommuno wa...
usuyami no sekai...
niah,mono po uegw eimai hdh diashmos opote den exw anagh![]()
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
nomizw oti irthe wra na prosexoume ti leme dioti ws gnwston tatiana is back in action kai fusika den tha einai katholou kalo koritsi fetos!! Diashmoi mlkes einai oloi ektos apo to mormie pou einai polu mourh k metraei! polu shmasia k aksia omws den tous dwsame pia. ??
This is my favourite sad story, Forget me not or I'll forget myself.. I've got quite a few things that I'm afraid of, sometimes I just can't face myself...
Wraith , eipes thn magikh leksh...Ars Magica...
As dwsei kapoios to klima tou Ars Magica. Mou emeine apothimeno dioti telika anti gia auto oi upoloipoi dialeksane na peksoume trinity...krima...
1. Mathematics is the language of nature
2. Everything around is can be represented and understood by numbers
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge
1. The cycling of disease epidemics
2. The wax and wan of caribou populations
3. Sunspot cycles
4. The rise and fall of the Nile River