Στάζει καύλα ρε γαμώτο.
Στάζει καύλα ρε γαμώτο.
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.
gia vale mia pic ektos an einai na valoyme enan kolo maxairomeno me tzamia..
origin of feces kapws..
eisai romantikos
Last edited by HEROnlysIN; 22-09-2009 at 03:08.
Δεν ειστε αστειοι.
Πράγματι, ο καιρός ήτο θαυμάσιος. Ένας καιρός ηδονικός και, όπως λέγουν, θείος. Ο ήλιος έλαμπε καταυγάζων και θερμαίνων τα πάντα – τον ουρανόν, την θάλασσαν, το υπερωκεάνειον, τους επιβάτας. Όλοι σχεδόν ήσαν χαρούμενοι.
πρεπει να βγω φωτο με το Reek of Putrefaction για να σε πιασω στην κορυφη...συνεχα εσυ μας αρεσουν τα κρεατα