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Thread: Werewolf The Apocalypse

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Werewolf The Apocalypse

    3ekinhse loipon h apokalujh...
    erwthseis kai apories gia ta Garou edw
    suzhtame kai ma8ainoume

    ...We are not a dying race...we are a dead race ...

  2. #2
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    erwthsh no 1:
    ti pisteueis k iesy kai oloi oi alloi oti 8a ginei META th gehenna?
    pws 8a einai ta settings?8a fygoun kapoia settings?8a mpoun nea?8a sygxwneutoun kapoia? what the fuck?

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Jul 2003


    Etsi opws exw katalabei thn olh fash h WW prospa8ei na kanei mia ananewsh kai den blepw na sunexizei olo WOD universe. Isws na kanoun kapoio post apocalyptic spin-off game alla den blepw na exoun meinei kai polla or8ia.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    ok loipon na poume ti 8a ginei
    h pio swsta ti kukloforei sto net se diafora epishma kai anepishma forums
    h WW skopeyei to olo skhniko me apocalypse gehenna kai ta resta na to trabhje arketa dld peripou kana 3xrono (ayto lene oi fhmes).
    8a ekdidei books sta opoia 8a dinei info gia to ginetai genika pws exei h olh fash alla to kuriotero pote den 8a ekdosei book pou na leei oti 3erete kateklh3an ola etsi .
    ayto pou 8a kanei 8a einai na dwsei stoixeia kai polles enallaktikes luseis gia to ti 8a h8ele isws na ginei o ka8e ST.
    twra gia to meta yparxoun dyo ekdoxes
    1) stamatame edw kai oti 8elete kante . h WW epishmws stamataei na kukloforei things gia WoD kai anaptysei prohgoumenes epoxes kai ages .
    ws gnwston o kosmos ths WW exei ftasei sto 7th age me thn apokalupsh yparxoun ta 5 prwta ages pou den exoun anaptyx8ei ka8olou h anaptysontai twra (e.g. Exalted - 3rd age)
    2) 3ekinaei to epomeno age a new age h opoia den 8a exei ennoeite kamia sxesh me ta prohgoumena opws kai apla perimenoume ti 8a skeftoun oi xarismatikoi sugrafeis tis WW.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    someplace real goth


    metafrasi:vlepoume pws tha pane oi poliseis kai vlepoume ti kanoume..
    pantws akougete endiaferon san idea... ena site gia pragmatikous antres.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    E edw pou ta leme peran merikwn omoithtwn sto susthma (pou einai genika arketa kalo) to Exalted kai to WOD den exoun kai pollh sxesh. An prospa8oun na kollane se palaiotero uliko gia na kanoun tis alles epoxes tou WOD 8a thn pa8oun san th Marvel sta comix pou petaei kales idees giati den einai sumbates me ta prohgoumena. Sto Exalted liga pragmata 8a brei kaneis pou exoun sxesh me to WOD opws to 3eroume kai auto einai mallon kalo.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    xania-athina-greece en geni all over


    hey relax...the garou nation will stay united and if there will be a fall they will fall all together...
    1 ta garou mporei na einai mortals...alla yparxoun katagrammena garou pou epivionoun os potent wolf spirits...kai pane se 1 mythical realm thn pangaia opou ekei mesa vriskonde ola ta mythical beasts ap to 1st age(allhthia h ww ti tha kanei me ayta? tha ta xypnhsei?)
    2 gia na doume ti tha ginoun ta garou kai poio to mellon tha prepei na doume kai to ti tha ginei me to kosmology tous...dil wyrm-weaver-wyld...
    kai oi theoi? gaia?helios?luna? ti tha balance? erothseis oi opoies prepei na mas erxonde pou kai pou sto myalo...giati we dont fear to die for we are gods!!!WE GAROU BROTHERS AND SISTERS ARE FIGHTING FOR GAIA DIE MINIONS OF THE WYRM!!!
    the passion of lovers,is for dead said she...
    forgive me father for i am a sin...
    it cant rain all the time...

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    loipon na poume pws ta garou pou leei o wraith den pane sthn pangaia alla se ena realm pou onomazetai legendary
    ti sumbainei apo tote pou bghke o anthelios ola ta realms ths umbra exoun prob se ola to wyrm uperisxuei siga siga plhn tou battlegrounds
    gia ta mythical beasts ennoeite pws 8a 3upnhsoun ola sthn apokalujh oloi kai ola are fighting for survival
    twra peri kosmology twn garou kai ti 8a ginei
    ola einai panw katw progiagegramena ola ta spirits apo epiphlings kai cafflings ews kai ta major celenstines exoun epile3ei mia upostash ths triadas dld en ek twn Wyrm Weaver kai Wyld na to uphretoun kai 8a polemhsoun giua ayta.
    oi monoi pou apoteloun anoigma einai to part tou creation pou den elabe onoma apo thn gaia sto 2nd age ayta pleon einai kuriws spirits kai einai oi legomenoi nameless.ayta einai pou den 3eroume ti rolo baraneakribws kai ti yphretoun pou sigoura apo oti diafainetai den einai h triada h h gaia
    akoma na poume pws ta garou ola 8a pe8anoun to garou nation 8a e3afanistei yparxei grammeno epishma apo ww kai malista kai malista hdh h pptwsh exei 3ekinhsei.
    den genniountai pleon alla garou meta to teleio paidi den genniountai alla garou osa werewolves gennh8hkan ayta einai pleon mono pe8ainoume
    sto prwto post tou thread leei
    ...we are not a dying race...we are a dead race.
    epishs ta mummies exoun ena prophecy gia to telos olwn twn garou
    ta mona plasmata pou fainetai na goustaroun na er8ei h apokalujh einai ta redcapps fairies dioti opws lene 8a exei polu fai (trefontai kai pernoun dynamh apo tous efialtes twn mortals lololololPpppppp )

    P.S. wraith rwta ton manwlh gia tous nameless ta spirits pou den onomasai h gaia an 3erei kati h an 8umatai tpt parapanw epishs pestou na dei to forum me vesper 8eloume thn gnwmh tou edw ka8ws kai sta ypoloipa threads

  9. #9
    O Mikros K8oulou When Black Roses Bloom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    UKTENA giou sak.



    Twra xwris plaka.... Oloi perimenan to Apocalypse, thn Gehena, to Ascension, to oblivion..... Alla ap'oti fanhke, se kanenan den arese to telos.... Mallon oloi 8elame na doume to telos, alla xwris ta epakolou8a, dhladh thn diakoph ekdoshs bibliwn gia olo ton klado tou WoD.....

    Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    i sak leme lol

  11. #11
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Chrząszczyżewoszyce powiat Łękołody


    Quote Originally Posted by Uktena
    i sak leme lol
    autognwsia..auta einai

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  12. #12
    O Mikros K8oulou When Black Roses Bloom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Etsi etsi. Ayta einai......

    H-Xtena ppPpPpPpPpPpPppP

    BTW, e8ea8hke Uktenas me krish tautothtas kai gay sunh8ies. Para8etw to log parakatw, gia pan endexwmeno. PpPpPp

    [04:11:27] * Uktena is now known as lowlanderis
    [04:21:42] * lowlanderis is now known as lisa____

    etsi etsiiiiiiiiiiii..... To piasate to uponooumeno, etsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii????????????
    Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.

  13. #13
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2003


    e re eiste mlks lol re den emplekoume irc edw oxi re pousth klai edw romopa leme

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    xania-athina-greece en geni all over


    hthelesta kai pathesta mlk uktena...
    re patro prefa pandou tha se akolouthei h "fhmh" sou sto irc...
    xereis fysika gia poia "fhmh" akrivos milao e? vasika doesnt matter a lot for you are the grea laughter!!!!
    the passion of lovers,is for dead said she...
    forgive me father for i am a sin...
    it cant rain all the time...

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