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Thread: PC & Games Offtopic thread

  1. #2416
    Συνεργάτης Μόσπιτ Ingolemo's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Kai single pou to vala ligo na to dw mia xara mou fanhke.
    Profanws coop tha nai polu kalutero, alla kai single paizetai.
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.

  2. #2417
    THRASHER Razor's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    ξερει κανεις απο που μπορω να κατεβασω το νετ λιμιτερ μαζι με το patch του? επειδη στο μινονοβα δεν βρισκω κατι της προκοπης η ακομα καλυτερα αν μπορει καποιος να κανει την καλη και να το ανεβασει ο ιδιος σε κανα ραπιντσερ?


  3. #2418
    no brains Diva Plavalaguna's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    επαιξα brothers in arms: highway to hell. αρκετα καλο κ ενδιαφερον. ωραιο gameplay κ γραφικα λλα κυριως μ αρεσαν τα βιντεακια καθως δημιουργουν αισθηση ταινιας δημιουργωντας καλη ιστορια. ειναι πολλα κ συχνα. το συνιστω. αυτα
    man has known and now he's blown it upside down and hell's the only sound,
    we did an awful job and now they say it's nobody's fault

    Interviewer : How does it feel to be the greatest guitarist in the world ?
    Jimmy Hendrix : I don't know, go ask Rory Gallagher.

  4. #2419
    Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz MoRmEnGiL's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    hell's highway de legete? tespa, ta spaei ^^x

    My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
    To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear

  5. #2420
    raz smash Abruzzi's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    It's always unfortunate to see news of an MMO shutting down, especially when it's one that had as much potential as Tabula Rasa did. The early game was very enjoyable, it simply turned out to be what plagues most MMOs since World of Warcraft's launch: not enough content in the middle and at the end. Read on for the news of its service shutting down, as well as some details on special perks for people who were subscribed as of yesterday.

    To the Tabula Rasa Community,

    Last November we launched what we hoped would be a ground breaking sci-fi MMO. In many ways, we think we've achieved that goal. Tabula Rasa has some unique features that make it fun and very different from every other MMO out there. Unfortunately, the fact is that the game hasn't performed as expected. The development team has worked hard to improve the game since launch, but the game never achieved the player population we hoped for.

    So it is with regret that we must announce that Tabula Rasa will end live service on February 28, 2009.

    Before we end the service, we'll make Tabula Rasa servers free to play starting on January 10, 2009.

    We can assure you that through the next couple of months we'll be doing some really fun things in Tabula Rasa, and we plan to make staying on a little longer worth your while. For more details about what we are doing for Tabula Rasa players, please click here.

    Stay tuned for more information. We thank you for your loyal support of the game and encourage you to take us up on the benefits we're offering Tabula Rasa players.

    The Tabula Rasa Team

    And the details on special perks:

    On February 28, 2009, Tabula Rasa will be shutting down its servers, and as of January 10, 2009, the game will be free to play.

    To thank our loyal Tabula Rasa fans we've prepared a little closing down gift. Any active paying player as of 10:00 AM Pacific Time on November 21st, 2008 will be eligible for all of the following:

    * 3 free months of City of Heroes including digital client
    * 3 free months of Lineage II including digital client
    * Aion beta access (coming soon)
    * Aion pre-order access (available in 2009)
    * 1 free month of Aion including digital client (available in 2009)

    These offers are limited to active paying players. Subscribers who join or reactivate canceled accounts after 10:00 AM Pacific Time on November 21st, 2008 will not be eligible.

    If you are an eligible Tabula Rasa player, you'll be receiving notification directly from NCsoft in the near future with information on how to collect these thank you gifts.

    If you are a player that has pre-paid for Tabula Rasa subscription time beyond January 10, 2009, you will be refunded for that pre-paid time by February 28, 2009.

    Should you have further questions please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team at

    From everyone at NCsoft, we'd like to thank you for the support and enthusiasm you've dedicated to Tabula Rasa over the last year

  6. #2421
    no brains Diva Plavalaguna's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MoRmEnGiL
    hell's highway de legete? tespa, ta spaei ^^x
    lol ναι. ο Angus δεν παιζει σ'αυτο
    man has known and now he's blown it upside down and hell's the only sound,
    we did an awful job and now they say it's nobody's fault

    Interviewer : How does it feel to be the greatest guitarist in the world ?
    Jimmy Hendrix : I don't know, go ask Rory Gallagher.

  7. #2422
    Blade Runner SpiritCrusher's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Κρίμα για το Tabula Rasha. Άντε να επιστρέψει ο Gariott να κάνει κανένα Ultima ξέρω'γω και να αφήσει τις μαλακίες.
    <menumission> otan fas klwtsia sth mapa pou 8a sou meinei a3exasth 8a to prosexeis to stomataki sou kalutera peoroufhxtra
    <menumission> eunouxismenh orka

  8. #2423
    O Mikros K8oulou When Black Roses Bloom's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Χόχο πήρα μια 8800 Gt 30 Ε
    Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.

  9. #2424
    raz smash Abruzzi's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    μια χαρα εισαι

  10. #2425
    no brains Diva Plavalaguna's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Quote Originally Posted by When_Black_Roses_Bloom
    Χόχο πήρα μια 8800 Gt 30 Ε
    ε μα πως ????
    man has known and now he's blown it upside down and hell's the only sound,
    we did an awful job and now they say it's nobody's fault

    Interviewer : How does it feel to be the greatest guitarist in the world ?
    Jimmy Hendrix : I don't know, go ask Rory Gallagher.

  11. #2426
    O Mikros K8oulou When Black Roses Bloom's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Έχω αδερφό που γαμάει
    Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.

  12. #2427
    χάλια Swollen's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    λοιπόν που λέτε βάζω το Godfather, κατεβασμένο, crack όλα κομπλε, αρχίζει κανονικά, φτάνω στο σημείο που διαμορφώνεις τον χαρακτήρα σου, οκ και σε βάζει να πληκτρολογήσεις όνομα
    0 ανταπόκριση
    ότι κ να κάνω στο πληκτρολόγιο εκτός του Ctrl-Alt-Del δεν πιάνει τπτ
    κ με το που κάνω κλικ στο πλαίσιο που είναι να βάλεις το όνομα κρασάρει κ κλείνει

    λιτλ χελπ πλιζ πιπολ

    uninstall/install έχω κάνει 3 φορές τώρα, βαριέμαι να κάνω κ άλλη
    I must have some booze. I demand to have some booze

  13. #2428
    raz smash Abruzzi's Avatar
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    το θυμαμαι αυτο που λες,αλλα εχει περασει και καιρος

    νομιζω ηθελε αλλο κρακ,για ψαξε καμμια αλλη εκδοση του exe

  14. #2429
    O Mikros K8oulou When Black Roses Bloom's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Ενδιαφέρεται κανείς για μια 8800 GT bulk αχρησημοποίητη? Ένα πενηντάρικο.

    Πείτε, αν είναι να σας πω πλήρης λεπτομέριες, εμένα δεν μου κάνει, δεν έχω PCI Xpress στην ΜΟ/ΒΟ
    Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.

  15. #2430
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: PC & Games Offtopic thread

    Man thn paleueis?

    Thn phres 30 eura kai thn poulas 50?

    8a sou pw sto msn to apogemataki logika an endiaferoumai.
    once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!".....

    quoth the server, 404.

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