Originally Posted by BLi
Originally Posted by BLi
Life begins at 45°.
γιατί καλέ, τι έχει το παιδί. οκ μην απαντήσεις. αλλά δεν είναι και σαν το ριμπερί.. άσε που σώζει την ομάδα στις καθυστερήσεις, δεν ξέρεις πόσο βασικό προσόν είναι αυτό για έναν άνθρωπο!Originally Posted by Entrancemperium
a monkey in silk is a monkey no less
Edo diavasa "sozei thn omada ths kathysterhshs".Originally Posted by morphine
Life begins at 45°.
Originally Posted by morphine
Kala mwreeeeeeeeeeeee ksexasa to Rimperi!!Originally Posted by Daffy
O Kuyt kaout kait einai pantws oi pio a8orubos kai xrhsimos epi8etikos pou exei perasei ta teleytaia xronia apo ta ghpeda..
Kai kontrarei kai to Riberi se fatsa..
....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
To return with the wisdom of the kings....
Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
Let the fallen hear:
"It never rains around here."
The sand smothered on my chest....
Was music choir...
Του Ριμπερή προέκυψε στην πορεία, ο Κάουτ ήταν εκγενετής άσχημος.
Και στην τελική, τι να πούνε οι Τέβεζ και Φλέτσερ;
8a mporouse arages na bgei entekada me tous asxhmoterous?
....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
To return with the wisdom of the kings....
Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
Let the fallen hear:
"It never rains around here."
The sand smothered on my chest....
Was music choir...
Αρχηγός θα ταν ο Γκάρι Νέβιλ
Oute gia asteio
To peribraxionio to exei parei spiti tou o Oli .. O Kan nteeee![]()
....went away with my fathers, to gather the fallen.
To return with the wisdom of the kings....
Let me dream. (Let the jewels gleam.)
Let the fallen hear:
"It never rains around here."
The sand smothered on my chest....
Was music choir...
και γενικώς αυτό το σάιτ.....
http://genki-genki.com/modules/tinyd36/ ... 13#dgen002
Ο Μαξ ήταν εγωιστής.
Τι είναι αυτά ρε, έλεος.![]()
λες να το κανω εντιτ? του ματς ε?![]()
Ο Μαξ ήταν εγωιστής.
Engrish ή εγώ δεν κατάλαβα;
Και σχετικό:
By the_nameless_one
e to genki genki einai gnwsto sait-symbolo ths an8rwpinhs parakmhs![]()
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear