i said bye bye to you
The silver thing covering my wilkins in the naked pics, is a goon bag. pretty sure i've said what they are on here. Cheap wine that comes in a box, and inside the box is this silver sack filled with wine and you can see the little tap in the pics where the wine comes out.
Popular among young people in australia, coz its a very cheap way to get drunk. Homless people love the stuff!![]()
αστείο μωρή;;
i said bye bye to you
Φίλος σου το παληκάρι μωρή??![]()
Oύτε καν, απλώς θίγομαι (λέμε τώρα) επειδή παρουσιάζεις τη γελοία πλευρά του θέματος!!
i said bye bye to you
Γιατί? Έχει και σοβαρή πλευρά το θέμα..?
BRING IT!!!!![]()
Hey Bobby Marley, sing something good to me
this world go crazy, it's an emergency
κρίμα γιατι το δεντρακι ειναι καμμενο.. ειναι μπλακ μεταλ
Ο Μαξ ήταν εγωιστής.
Ο ΜΑΤατζής της καρδιάς μας.
A loaded gun won't set you free.
So you say.
Παίζει να είναι ο ίδιος
Hey Bobby Marley, sing something good to me
this world go crazy, it's an emergency
αχαχχααχ, τι παίζει, ο ίδιος είναι. Με είχε βάλει και στο μάτι τότε![]()
A loaded gun won't set you free.
So you say.
Ε τα γνωστά μωρέ. Παγωμένα καβλιά, ρετάλια κι έτσι.Originally Posted by Deniz
Behold the Urkraft - behold the sacred force!
We strike with the wrath of the rightful
We wield the invincible puritan blade
Behold the Fire - behold the Force!
We command the iron batallions
In the dawn of this new iron age
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