Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.
χιποπόταμος λεγότανε το πρώτο μπάρ που εκόλησα λέμε
i need feminime venoms in order to function with the system.
Όχι ρε φίλε...![]()
Πού βρήκες σημερινή φωτογραφία του θεού;
Deep in the night
underneath the darkest skies
searching for a sign or some distant light
Screaming yet unheard
repeating every line
and every final word
They remain, they remain
you still remain
All these words and memories
and everything you were to me
they remain, they remain
you still remain
pare k alles 3 doro
Ποιος θα μου θιμύζει το όνομά του?
My Mission will save the World.
But I'm still chasing time.
Vanity...definitely my favourite sin.
Τασος Προυσαλης. Στην πρωτη φωτο δε, εχουμε δυο Προυσαληδες!
They say we've got a lifetime, but we know that ain't true.
Αχά, δεν θυμόμουν καθόλου το όνομά του. Καλά Αθηνόδωρος τα σπάει επίσης![]()
My Mission will save the World.
But I'm still chasing time.
Vanity...definitely my favourite sin.
Ποτε θα βγω ραντεβου μ αυτη ομως???????Originally Posted by Daffy
"Τι χτυπαω??"
"Ενα μονο με ελιες. Και ενα μονο με πατατες."
θα σε δείρει χωρίς πολλά λόγια
σύμφωνα με όλες τις ενδείξεις και μετά από ενδελεχή έρευναOriginally Posted by Mitsmann
πρόκειται για την
θεοι, ο Μιτς ερωτευτηκε.
"Τι χτυπαω??"
"Ενα μονο με ελιες. Και ενα μονο με πατατες."
μήπως είσαι γκέη;
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.