Εγώ αναφέρθηκα στο επίπεδο της μουσικής, όχι στο αν είναι γκέι. Όταν το καταλάβεις τα ξαναλέμε. Α ναι, ξέχασα το .
Black Metal (η μουσικη που επισημοποιησε το make up ως extreme εκφανση)
Shoegaze (με αυτο το ονομα που πατε παλικαρια?)
ποστ* (ΑΚΑ "παιζουμε μαλακιες και ποζαρουμε&quot
gothic(με μεταλ η ανευ) - Η σιγουρη επιλογη
ambient-industrialo-drone-noise (ναφ σεντ)
TOOL (οι Village People του ροκ)
stoner rock (Η νυχτα των ζωντανων kyuss)
Radiohead (επισης μια κατηγορια ομοφυλοφυλιας απο μονοι τους αλλα οκ αυτοι το λενε)
Δεν γνωρίζω/Δεν απαντώ/Το thread ειναι ομοφοβικο
BONUS: ελληνικο χιπ-χόπ (u know what Im saying = "καταλαβαινεις τι σου λες" ΑΚΑ the lektikos choice)
Εγώ αναφέρθηκα στο επίπεδο της μουσικής, όχι στο αν είναι γκέι. Όταν το καταλάβεις τα ξαναλέμε. Α ναι, ξέχασα το .
έλα λοκ, ακόμα και σκεψη μάο τσε τουνγκ θα κώλωνε μπροστά σε ανάλογη υπερανάλυση.
Before the dawn, I hear you whisper
In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him"
Outside the birds begin to call
As if to summon up my leaving
It's been a lifetime since I found someone
Since I found someone who would stay
I've waited too long, and now you're leaving
Oh please don't take it all away
It's been a lifetime since I found someone
Since I found someone who would stay
I've waited too long, and now you're leaving
Oh please don't take it all away
Before the dawn, I hear you whisper
In your sleep "Don't let the morning take him"
Everyone's telling me
That he was born as a love child
By looking in his eyes
Something turned me loose in this hot night
Feeling the power of lust when the guy's passing by
Wrecking one's brain and I'm going insane, don't know why
I can feel your sex
Winding up the girl in the red dress
My brain is gone
What is going on, I'm burning inside
Feeling the power of lust when the guy's passing by
Wrecking one's brain and I'm going insane, don't know why
A love child - Running wild
A love child
A love child - Running wild
A love child
I gotta tell myself
That he was born as a love child
And the story of his way
Should not make me stay in this hot night
Feeling the power of lust when the guy's passing by
Wrecking one's brain and I'm going insane, don't know why
A love child - Running wild
A love child
A love child - Running wild
A love child
Don't know what I am - a woman or a man
Many troubles behind me
I'm doing all I can but I am what I am
Leave me alone - don't mistreat me
Feeling the power of lust when the guy's passing by
Wrecking one's brain and I'm going insane, don't know why
A love child - Running wild
A love child
A love child - Running wild
A love child
Ξέρετε γιατί όταν κάνετε μπάνιο στον Αμαζόνιο πρέπει να φοράτε... προφυλακτικό;
Κομματάρες όπως κ να χει.
My Mission will save the World.
But I'm still chasing time.
Vanity...definitely my favourite sin.
oti eipe o apopanws, candiru an peis kati gia to before the dawn 8a se brw pousth k 8a sou spasw ta podia.Originally Posted by GuardianOfIvorytower
κοματάρες είναι και τα δυο και ειλικρινή, όχι τύπου Manowar
Ξέρετε γιατί όταν κάνετε μπάνιο στον Αμαζόνιο πρέπει να φοράτε... προφυλακτικό;
My Mission will save the World.
But I'm still chasing time.
Vanity...definitely my favourite sin.