αν λες για το TETSUO-the iron man δεν είναι ανιμε. Αν όχι, _______
(δεν έχω κάτι έξυπνο να πω)
αν λες για το TETSUO-the iron man δεν είναι ανιμε. Αν όχι, _______
(δεν έχω κάτι έξυπνο να πω)
so this is permanence
Ξερει κανείς το τρίτο μέρος της σειρας warcraft:The sunwell trilogy ποτε θα κυκλοφορήσει?Σορρυ για το![]()
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Thimatai kaneis to Robotech????
Rats, Rats lay down flat
we don't need you, we act like that
and if you think you're unloved
then we know about that...
Μacross >>> Robotech
Oh, come, come be my waitress and serve me tonight
serve me the sky with a big slice of lemon.
uparxei kapoio kalo paidaki na mou steilei link me ta tzoumarou?
http://www.animeclipse.com/index.php?in ... 0&active=1Originally Posted by sabbattack
[c f h b] [experiments]
ela gia na goustarete
mipws kapoios exei link h kana site me torrent h otidipote telospanton pou na boresw na katevasw to hellsing ultimate me agglikh fwnh kai oxi agglikous ypotitlous?ypotithetai oti h agglikh ekdosh exei kykloforisei
The Horror...The Horror
Believe in nothing...............
Kalhspera, diabaza to thread. 1. to link to arxiko den fainetai na douleuei. 2. sta links auta exei anime ta opoia na exoun ginei released? psaxnw ena sygkekrimeno anime to Tokyo Majin kai ti 2h season pou legotane Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou. An kaneis tin exei k mporei me kapoio tropo na mou ti dwsei h an kapoios 3erei kapoio link 8a to ektimousa para poly
Ps. to subbing sti 2h season eixe ginei apo Shinsen subs an auto sas boh8aei.
Rakuen dochira desu ka?
Originally Posted by beat_the_meatles
http://www.tokyotosho.com/search.php <----------EDW PIGES????
Believe in nothing...............
exei kaneis kana link gia to kartoon skunk fu!, de to vriskw pouthena
paizei na nai ligo malakia alla de peirazei tha deiksei![]()
Don't smoke kids! Unless you're on fire. Then it's only natural.
Της παναγιας τα ματια,πολλά seeds.
Torrents και δω-μέτρια γκάμα.
Σχετικά λίγα πράγματα αλλά είναι από τα καλύτερα groups,releases HD only.