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Thread: Deathstars - Termination Bliss

  1. #1

    Default Deathstars - Termination Bliss

    ©2006 Nuclear Blast

    01. Tongues
    02. Blitzkrieg
    03. Motherzone
    04. Cyanide
    05. Greatest Fight on Earth
    06. Play God
    07. Trinity Fields
    08. The Last Ammunition
    09. Virtue to Vice
    10. Death in Vogue
    11. Termination Bliss

    Κριτική στο Electric Requiem Magazine
    "Anakalyfthike xtes to emvolio tis malakias. K osoi malakes tre3oun na to kanoun tha ine pragmatika malakes giati ine emvolio k oxi oros."

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Στην Αυλή του Παραδείσου


    An kai bariomoun, kathisa kai diabasa to review. Ta ekleptismena
    ellhnika tou reviewer mou priksane to peos kai tha mporousan na
    apofexthoun sthn en logw periptwsh alla anyway. Den exei adiko.
    Katexw kai afto kai to prohgoumeno/prwto tous album. Katarxas
    kai ta 2 einai epiikws metria kai h monh periptwsh pou tha aksize
    na dwsete fragka gia na ta apoxtisete einai an htan se kamia
    super-prosfora kai mono.Sto prwto paizan kati pou poli tha thele
    na ftasei tous Kovenant, alla den ta kataferne. Ligo sigxrono black,
    arketo emporiko industrial, liga mplimplikia, poli groove kai kala alla
    distixws poli aples sintheseis pou den sikwnan polles akroaseis. Sto
    deftero album, ta pramata beltiwthikan arketa xwris bebaia na
    simainei afto pws bgalan kamia albumara. To "Termination Bliss" loipon
    exei perissotera mpimplikia,perissoterh melwdia, perissoterh poikilia
    [goustara tis diafores fwnes + ta ginaikeia] kai afth th "Rammstein"
    kai kala dosh, alla ws ekei. An kai to xw liwsei to album, den einai
    tipota parapanw apo mia emporikh pipa pou ama goustareis na
    akous emporikes pipes enw kaneis dialleima apo thn basikh kai
    aenaon poiotikh mousikh sou, h an goustareis na akous efpepth
    kai sabouroeides mousikh ws background enw serfareis/doulebeis/
    xouzourebeis (paizei na koimasai kiolas), einai oti prepei. Gamaei.
    Twra, afou grafw oti gamaei giati to xarakthrizw ws metriothta
    parapanw? Giati poli apla, me mia grigorh matia sta ipoloipa
    albums ths playlist pou exw gia background mousikh [efpepth
    groovila h emporikh sinaisthimatopoia h estw mia_apo_ta_idia]
    entopizw to teleftaio In Flames, ena BluetEngel, ta teleftaia
    Pyogenesis, to neo Amorphis, mexri kai Seether ... kai to
    "Termination Bliss" an kai katafernei na se "kratisei_parea"
    proswrina, den ftanei thn xmmm-poiothta(?) twn parapanw
    oxi_idieterwn albums, opote to mpoulo. Liwsimo & meta apo
    mia bdomada petama/thapsimo. Nothing more ~ Nothing less.
    Kai eimai poli epioikhs mias kai alla atoma oxi mono den prokeitai
    na to liwsoun, alla oute kan na anteksoun na to akousoun panw
    apo mia fora h estw kai oloklhro. Genika ... asteia mousikh ... gia
    baretes kai otinanai peristaseis. Kai ena teleiws geloio ekswfyllo.

  3. #3


    to proto album pou exo (se mp3 ennoeitai) einai mia xaroula giauto pou einai. groovata piasarika tragoudakia me orea singalong refrains.
    mia xara.

  4. #4


    Καλά, με τι κάθεστε και ασχολείστε.
    "we are not evacuating this house, we don't believe in you and your wrecking crew"

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Jenseits von Gut und Bose


    Εσύ ακούς Rammstein.
    The bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.

  6. #6


    Αυτό το φόρουμ έχει φτάσει πια σε επίπεδα σουρεαλισμού: ωστε ακούω Rammstein κάτι έμαθα και σήμερα.
    "we are not evacuating this house, we don't believe in you and your wrecking crew"

  7. #7



    katevaste to kainourio in flames omos

  8. #8


    vasika de xriazotan review, to eksofilo mono tou einai arketo.

  9. #9


    is electronic love to blame?

  10. #10


    einai gnosto (?) oti o reviewer logw tou nearou tis ilikias tou agnoei akoma kapoia pragmata sxetika me ti mousiki kai tis texnikes apolausis ton diaforon eidon autis.

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    back and forth, forever


    Quote Originally Posted by symposium_lexotanil
    einai gnosto (?) oti o reviewer logw tou nearou tis ilikias tou agnoei akoma kapoia pragmata sxetika me ti mousiki kai tis texnikes apolausis ton diaforon eidon autis.
    Ποιες τεχνικές απολαύσεις ρε μλκ? Και για το είδος που παίζουν, χάλια είναι...
    Is it any wonder that my joke’s an iron and the joke’s on you

  13. #13


    To diskaki einai para poly kalo, an kai den yparxei to stoixeio ths ekplhkshs pou eixe to prwto. Kai apo ena swro malakies pou kykloforoun sthn piatsa me thn tampela tou gothic/industrial/kserw-gw-ti, sigoura einai protimotero.
    Bang that pussy that doesn't bang!

  14. #14
    Senior Member dyingfreedom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Sleepy Town


    Πολύ ωραίο το album.
    Φέρνει και κάτι από το Reign Of Light των Samael. Πράγμα που σίγουρα δεν με χαλάει κιόλας.

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