Kk, cheers!
"Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather"
Εντάξει, με τη βοήθεια του odonian πέτυχε![]()
Feed my fear
Good to hear.
"Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather"
(Ένας από τους 2 φοβερούς ΑΝΤΒΕΝΤΣΟΥΡΕΡ και τέτοια)
And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend
And I'll never be open again
And I'll have no more dreams to defend
And I'll never be open again
Must I always be alone?
Είναι ωραίο το Gabriel Knight, αλλά είχε ένα bug κοντά στα 3/4 του παιχνιδιού που δε με άφηνε να συνεχίσω. Ποτέ δε βρήκα την όρεξη να το ξαναρχίσω.
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
κατέβασα installer για εξ-πι και δεν είχε πρόβλημα κανένα.![]()
συνεχισέ το,απίστευτο είναι.
And I'll smile and I'll learn to pretend
And I'll never be open again
And I'll have no more dreams to defend
And I'll never be open again
Must I always be alone?
Osoi den exete teleiwsei to "Shadow Of The Comet" eiste kwmikoi.
Θες να κάνεις τη ζωή σου καλύτερη; Σβήσε τα περιττά σου mp3 (και προιόντα συναφών απωλεστικών ή μη αλγορίθμων).
Όπως και το Prisoner of Ice,
το Day Of The tentacle,
τα Monkey Island,
το Grim Fandango
τα Gabriel Knight...
κτλ κτλ
And I am nothing of a builder, but here i dreamt i was an Architect
P.s 8a kanw to makigiaz sto show gia to launch tou paixnidiou aurio xo xo xo
Έπαιζα το αντίστοιχο City of Heroes όταν βγήκε. Πλάκα έχει, αλλά πολύ grinding. Το μόνο που γούσταρα ήταν που έπαιζα cyborg.
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Από τα team bios του Tabula Rasa, μια ιστορία από Ultima Online του Richard Garriott (Lord British):
One time I was GM’ing in UO, watching the game while invisible. I was struck in the early UO days by how many people were engaged in the profession of fishing despite the fact that the simulation was a mere 50/50 dice roll with each use of the fishing pole.
I was watching this gentleman standing by a river. He was wearing a straw hat, knickers, a plain shirt and simple shoes, so he really looked the part as he cast his pole and had a small stack of fish beside him. Along came a very different gentleman. This individual was wearing plate mail head to toe, carrying a large sword and shield. Upon seeing the fisherman, he changed his course to come over and talk.
He said something akin to, “I am a great and mighty warrior and I have just returned from a great quest where I have conquered great evil and collected many treasures. Now I am wealthy and powerful. I see that you are but a poor fisherman. In my kindness, I offer to share my great bounty with you,” whereupon he began to drop very valuable weapons and armor on the ground in front of the fisherman.
And the fisherman replied, “Whoa! Whoa! Stop! Keep your items of warmongering and death. I need not your charity or your dastardly equipment!” Then he added proudly, “Each morning I come out to this river and catch fish, which I take to the market and sell for a modest profit and, with this cash, I go to the pub and share drinks with my good friends. So, be gone, you warmongering cretin!”
The fighter hrmph!’d, picked up his things and wandered off.
I thought that this was a very enlightening moment, to see how such a simple ruleset had such diversity and how people were adopting such unique and varied activities that we never expected in the game.
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
Omg που το θυμήθηκες αυτό;
Θυμάμαι το είχα διαβάσει σε ένα PC Gamer που είχε συνέντευξη του Garriott πριν από 5+ χρόνια.
And I am nothing of a builder, but here i dreamt i was an Architect
Κοιτούσα το http://www.playtr.com/ και το είδα εκεί. Παρεπιπτόντως, φαίνεται καλό παιχνίδι.
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.