Psaxnw na vrw kamia kalh foto na valw san prosopo tou Dwarf rigger mou 'h genikotera na vrw merikes orees ikonitses apo cyberpunk... Kserei kaneis pu tha vrw?
Psaxnw na vrw kamia kalh foto na valw san prosopo tou Dwarf rigger mou 'h genikotera na vrw merikes orees ikonitses apo cyberpunk... Kserei kaneis pu tha vrw?
H pragmatikothta einai apla mia katastash toy myaloy...
Ftiaxneis ena paralogo kosmo ki amesws exeis 4000000 paranoikoys an8rwpoys.
hmmm o giannhs eixe mia gamath pou eixe valei gia dwarf rigger. Ama einai kai thes tou lew na sou thn steilei .
Yparxoun vevaia kai oi klassikes sta vivlia shadowrun, ade kai kamia sto gurps cyberpunk.
A kai to temple of elemental evil gamaei.Sxedon to termatisa.
Kai pexe kai to Max Payne 2. Gamaei epishs.Auto to termatisa .
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
pes tou giani na mou tin stili 'h na mou pei pou tin vrike. To vivlio tou Shadowrun exei merikes kales alla kseneronw na xrisimopiisw mia apo to core book. Pantos o Rigger gamei!!!
EImai twra stin Nubl ('h opws legete telospanton) sto temple of elemental Evil. Telika dn xriazete katholu rogue kai ksenerosa pou ton evala, etsi?
Meta tha arxisw Wizards & Warriors 2. Dn kserw katholu ti leei.
H pragmatikothta einai apla mia katastash toy myaloy...
Ftiaxneis ena paralogo kosmo ki amesws exeis 4000000 paranoikoys an8rwpoys.
an mou steileis kanena mail/icq/msn/kati mporw na sou sthlo mia toulaxiston kalh pou exo..
"Caladan Brood, the menhired one, winter-bearing, barrowed and sorrowless
in a tomb bereaved of words, and in his hands that have crushed anvils the hammer of his song -
he lives asleep, so give silent warning to all -
wake him not.
Wake him not."
Gia ton rogue des sto topic tou temple of EE.
O rigger kati leei. O magos einai autos pou gamaei.
Oso gia to Wizards and Warriors (sketo, oxi 2 ) einai poly kalo paixnidi ,thimizei ta palia kala rpg se fash might n magic 6 kai daggerfall.
Exei polu wraia dungeon klp alla einai ligaki spasimo to oti sto level up , pou ypotithetai oti sou kathontai 1-20 hp kai 1-3 attribute points sou kathontai sxedon synexeia 1 hp kai 1 ap. Alla apla to paravlepeis giati etsi ki alliws to paixnidi exei sxetika eukoles maxes kai den exeis provlhma.
A, ama einai na to paixeis , pes mou na sou pw na kaneis kati stadar wste na mporeis na mpeis se kati mage guild, town hall klp stis poleis....
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Γιατί πάντα ξεχνάτε τα Wizardry;;;
Τέσπα, η φωτό του Γιάννη είναι ένας rigger είτε απ'το Core Rules, είτε απ'το Rigger 3.
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