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Thread: den einai entelws theiko...

  1. #31


    house_of_low_culture tha sou protina na min tin les ston amnesiac.

    (gia tin psixiki sou iremia.)
    -> <-
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  2. #32
    Senior Member
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    the docks.


    To idio kai safton.

  3. #33
    Senior Accountant Rush's Avatar
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    going nowhere


    Quote Originally Posted by V0lcaN0
    house esoteric se mena kai an exeis kai kanena rush pou den exw epishs. Ta alla kapsta h kane vodoo na tous xekaneis olous

    Sobara twra de mou ta dineis? Dwsta mou re emena.

    On topic. Den einai fobero, einai routina. Kai sto telos oute ta misa den akouw.

    Giati les rockavle gia ebay kai argei to dvd marillion.
    esy de dhlwses re 8eio oti exeis ola ta Rush ay8entika????gkoux:fidia:gkoux!
    Those little demons ain't the reasons for the bruises on your soul you've been neglecting
    You'll never lose your mind as long as you're heart always reminds you where you left it
    And don't ever let them make you feel like saying what you want is unbecoming
    If you were supposed to watch you're mouth all the time I doubt your eyes would be above it

  4. #34
    Senior Member
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    the docks.


    Na metafer8ei sto fidia kai fidempores thread xaxa.

  5. #35
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Rush
    esy de dhlwses re 8eio oti exeis ola ta Rush ay8entika????gkoux:fidia:gkoux!
    Ayta pou exw ennousa. 7 h 8 album einai. Kai ekplhsomai pou diabazes kai ti egrafa, pragmati.
    I can not fit in
    this place was not measured
    for hope

  6. #36
    Senior Accountant Rush's Avatar
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    going nowhere


    ??? a prog answer indeed...ade cheeers.......malaka pinw apo tis 6:45 to liwma....
    Those little demons ain't the reasons for the bruises on your soul you've been neglecting
    You'll never lose your mind as long as you're heart always reminds you where you left it
    And don't ever let them make you feel like saying what you want is unbecoming
    If you were supposed to watch you're mouth all the time I doubt your eyes would be above it

  7. #37
    Senior Member
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    the docks.


    Ntrophhh katastrefeis thn or8odo3ia kai ton xristianismo eisai tou satana!
    Btw ftiaxe topic ''Piwma kai liwma'' gia na to grapseis afto

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