wooboorooboo h gavrilos
Να κάνουμε πολ αν η αγελάδα είναι φέηκ ακάουντ και να πέσουν και τα στοιχήματα.
Εγώ λέω ότι δεν είναι.
Blood for all tears shed
And Fire for hate
Death for what shall become
All false ones fate
You wont see me..
Paul is a dead man..Miss him, miss him , miss him..
Everybody seems to think I 'm lazy.
I dont mind. I think they 're crazy.
Gia sas ki apo mena !
oust provata![]()
And what exactly is a dream
And what exactly is a joke.
Οι άνθρωποι σου φάνηκαν ωραίοι σήμερα,
μα δεν άλλαξαν.
Απλά εσύ δεν είσαι πια ο ίδιος.
Το καλό με αυτό το φόρουμ είναι ότι μπαίνουν συνεχώς νέοι γιούζερς και υπάρχει μία αίσθηση φρεσκάδας........
Blood for all tears shed
And Fire for hate
Death for what shall become
All false ones fate
Gia kai apo mena
Meta apo poly kairo parakolouthisis tou forum (apo tis prwtes meres tou), apofasisa na paratisw to lurking kai na kanw ena register. isws kanw kai kanena post pou kai pou. Merikoi apo dw me gnwrizoun ws 'nekras' sto IRC.
auta, ta leme
hey nefras
pshse kai to mpapara ton pirate na graftei![]()
Γιατί δε με θες κυρά μου; Επειδή είμαι ψαράς;
xairetw kai apo edw --- ka8oti exw idi 2 posts![]()
ekana registration afou prwta eixa parakolou8isei to kanali kai to forum gia kapoio kairo kai nomizw oti yparxoun arketa axiologia atoma / pragmata edw... o xronos mou den einai polys --- to phd piezei aforita- alla elpizw na exw kapoia sxetika syxni parousia
Sto Wieldemann mia vradya ...
aaaaxxxxaxaxaxaxaxaxxaxaxaxaxxaxaOriginally Posted by Aarg
Eisai sigouros oti einai swsto to link pou sou dwsane?
axiologa atoma edw mesa ahahahahahhhahhahaah
kalo kai ayto......
na doume ti allo tha akousoume....
Blood for all tears shed
And Fire for hate
Death for what shall become
All false ones fate
sevasti i apopsi sou, epetrepse mou na exw ti diki mouOriginally Posted by pitchfork
Sto Wieldemann mia vradya ...
με εκνευρίζουν αυτοί που διαφωνούν....
Blood for all tears shed
And Fire for hate
Death for what shall become
All false ones fate
kalws ta nea ta paidia!![]()
willkommen in ER!![]()
"Duty is heavier than a mountain, death lighter than a feather"
Mphka ki egw epitelous sto ER...kalws sas vrhka!![]()
Better To Save The Mystery Than Surrender To The Secret
e kegw kainourio ime
pare to kouvadaki sou kai s'ali paralia