vriskeis VirusXI?elpizw na mporeis na miliseis toulaxiston esy ligo sovara edw mesa mexri stigmhs h poustides h kathisterimenoi kanoun reply sta post mou.Originally Posted by VirusXI
vriskeis VirusXI?elpizw na mporeis na miliseis toulaxiston esy ligo sovara edw mesa mexri stigmhs h poustides h kathisterimenoi kanoun reply sta post mou.Originally Posted by VirusXI
In the house of the nazarene
Fucking whores divine
Bitches in black and white
Cumming on the cross
1. Mathematics is the language of nature
2. Everything around is can be represented and understood by numbers
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge
1. The cycling of disease epidemics
2. The wax and wan of caribou populations
3. Sunspot cycles
4. The rise and fall of the Nile River
pali aytokritikh Carcass_?Originally Posted by Carcass_
In the house of the nazarene
Fucking whores divine
Bitches in black and white
Cumming on the cross
tha deiksei sthn poreia.
Elpizw na mhn eisai fake account mono.
Ante, kalh diamonh sto forum.
1. Mathematics is the language of nature
2. Everything around is can be represented and understood by numbers
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge
1. The cycling of disease epidemics
2. The wax and wan of caribou populations
3. Sunspot cycles
4. The rise and fall of the Nile River
den eimai fake eipame
kalws sas vrika
In the house of the nazarene
Fucking whores divine
Bitches in black and white
Cumming on the cross
35 posts...
se 3 mhnes kamia 3500ra
wra na to kleinoume to magazi
Ζηλεύεις που με το ζόρι ξεπέρασες τα 1.000Originally Posted by nikodimos
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
To Host gamaei tis manes ton Burzum.Originally Posted by impaler
panilithie Fixxxer pou kolaei ayto?wraioi eiste edw re molis bei kapoios neos arxizete na ton vrizete alla sta arxidia mou grafw kati typous san kai esena me tetoia signature apogone tou stolou kai esyOriginally Posted by Fixxxer
In the house of the nazarene
Fucking whores divine
Bitches in black and white
Cumming on the cross
Βρίσκεσαι στο καλύτερο μονοπάτι.
I'm driving down my way to digest yesterday
Under rain clouds towards the sundown to be devoured
And then come out alive
Dripping wet but purified
Ready to bear the memories of golden hours
ti na sou pw den kserw,an kanei o kathe kathisterimenos reply ti thes na tou pw dld?Originally Posted by Kain
In the house of the nazarene
Fucking whores divine
Bitches in black and white
Cumming on the cross
Sorry,στην μητέρα σου μιλούσα.
I'm driving down my way to digest yesterday
Under rain clouds towards the sundown to be devoured
And then come out alive
Dripping wet but purified
Ready to bear the memories of golden hours
xaxaxaaxaxaxa exei kai xumor o hlithios reOriginally Posted by Kain
In the house of the nazarene
Fucking whores divine
Bitches in black and white
Cumming on the cross