.. na mou to daneisei an mporei?
To xw xasei to diko mou + to 2o cd htan xalasmeno.
Sth xeiroterh ama mou to dwsei kapoios kai to viazetai na to ksanaparei pisw, to kopiarw .
.. na mou to daneisei an mporei?
To xw xasei to diko mou + to 2o cd htan xalasmeno.
Sth xeiroterh ama mou to dwsei kapoios kai to viazetai na to ksanaparei pisw, to kopiarw .
Μου το είχατε δανείσει σε κάποια φάση, αλλά δεν έπαιζε σε Radeon και σας το είχα επιστρέψει. Θύμησε μου πώς είναι η θήκη του μπας και δε σας το επέστρεψα.
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
to exo ego.
msn me gia taperetairo
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.
J. M. Keynes.