ena c2c ypogegrameno apo caf.
ena rush gialatzi 30 aniversa L tee-shirt
ena lee i levis jean me customizes to symbolo twn BOC apo pisw.
pm me.
ena c2c ypogegrameno apo caf.
ena rush gialatzi 30 aniversa L tee-shirt
ena lee i levis jean me customizes to symbolo twn BOC apo pisw.
pm me.
There is a statue of a BUDDA in my driveway
Rigid and stiff
That's where the birds shit
And he deserves it
Me, like a blade of grass
I bend profoundly
No raindrops on me
The wind blows 'round me
ta spaw ta spaeis ta spaei, spasimpa
Bodom of Children?
mallon blue oyster cult..Originally Posted by _UnHoLyMaRtYr_
http://stresss.deviantart.comσηκωσες λιγο την μπλουζιτσα και υποψιαστηκα οτι εισαι ο φρικ. Σε λιγα δευτερολεπτα ειχα μαθει την τραγικη αληθεια.Δεν ξερω αν προσεξες την απογοητευση στo προσωπο μου..
Yesterday 19:29 <menumission> de mporeis na kaneis ignore ton eauto sou sto tsat molis to dokimasa
στο θεωρητικό παρκούρ δίνω οστά και σάρκα,απο εμπόδιο σ΄ εμπόδιο πετάγομαι για πλάκα Άκου τον Φόρη and don't worry
meaning?Originally Posted by rockavlon
oxi gialatzi akribws, "epishmo merchandise" in a way. apo eksw apo to gig to phra, basika, o CHEAPO GUY (TM) mas eipe oti einai apo ta aporiptea tou ergostasiou, logw QC. den exei tpt to epilhpsimo, apla, oi stampes, einai "ligoooo" elaxista ligotero zwhra ta xrwmata tous apo tis sold-indoors apo th kanonikh h opoia htan 30 lironia an den kanw lathos ?! xronos kai pound. exei kai to autokolhtaki tou examiner, pou thn aperipse, kai kommeno to kartelaki apo pisw. Fruit of the loom einai. knockdown price. 4-5 lires + P+P. dialegeis kai perneis. egw tha thn krataga. alla brhka mia apithanh kokkinh gialatzi kai krathsa ekeinh....
kai paizei big list of buys this month... exexe. large einai.
There is a statue of a BUDDA in my driveway
Rigid and stiff
That's where the birds shit
And he deserves it
Me, like a blade of grass
I bend profoundly
No raindrops on me
The wind blows 'round me
ta spaw ta spaeis ta spaei, spasimpa
Ωραία πες τιμή.
Και πες τπτ και για το BOC (κυρίως από περιέργεια αλλά ποτέ δεν ξέρεις). Πόσταρε φώτο αν είναι εύκολο.
ehm.. ok.. i timh thn eipa re. 5 lires - go sto www.xe.com kai find out. bale kai 96p o fakelos kai kanamish lira to postage. me 7 lires sthn porta sou.
to boc, eixa trabhksei mia fotw me kinhto, alla egine corrupt... soon.
kserw gw...Levis einai ? poso kanei ena ?? XL leei, alla ntaks, emena mou kanei. e me exeis dei.. pm/ protash afou postarw pic....
There is a statue of a BUDDA in my driveway
Rigid and stiff
That's where the birds shit
And he deserves it
Me, like a blade of grass
I bend profoundly
No raindrops on me
The wind blows 'round me
ta spaw ta spaeis ta spaei, spasimpa