To exei pai3ei kaneis?
To exei pai3ei kaneis?
I sold out long before you ever heard my name
Nai , kathe fora meta ta post sou...
People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.
Arketoi fantazomai.
Life begins at 45°.
Afoy th vriskeis...Originally Posted by Ingolemo
I sold out long before you ever heard my name
ok to arxisa shmera.
kapws metria ws asxhma grafika, THEIKIA atmosfaira,
teleiws xesmente, kai epos exthroi .
Kwstanth, opwsdhpote... mou thimhse Hellraiser...
3rd person action, max payne fash , me xeirotero xeirismo ,
thimizei devil inside se xeirismo.
Poly wraios hxos kai apisteuta gamath atmosfaira. kai wraio senario.
twra to na anoigeis thread gia na rwthseis an to xei paiksei kaneis einai
ligo hlithio .
ante kanteto passa kapoios k apo dw..
to jasmine telika 8a ginei trading place
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
Apo tote pou pira nea grafix card ola auta ta paixnidakia mou fenontai poly moufes.. mono to Doom3 m'aresei
to Suffering to paratisa meta apo ta prwta 10lepta giati mou tin espase h kamera tou.
"Anakalyfthike xtes to emvolio tis malakias. K osoi malakes tre3oun na to kanoun tha ine pragmatika malakes giati ine emvolio k oxi oros."
to suffering gamaei maes, taks h kamera einai kapws spastikh alla th syhthizeis .
A kai de exei nohma na to ferw se kanena.
Exei trelo kleidwma -san tou beyond divinity- kai den douleuoun ta cracks.
Vasika oute kan to patch den mpainei....
Pantws aksizei kai elpizw na to teleiwsw mexri aurio pou tha to gyrisw sto
video club, giati alliws tha spastw.
H atmosfaira kai to senario , gamane. Poly horror
@@ horror
"Anakalyfthike xtes to emvolio tis malakias. K osoi malakes tre3oun na to kanoun tha ine pragmatika malakes giati ine emvolio k oxi oros."
Ta peri kleidwmatos = moyfesOriginally Posted by Ithilmir
I sold out long before you ever heard my name
Λέει οτι δε δουλεύουν τα cracks. Δε λέει πώς να crackάρεις το παιχνίδι... έλεος.
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
ego leo na svistei to topic giati iparxoun kakoproeretoi!!
ase pou mporei na kanei kanenas kakoproeretos ER search ti leksi crack kai na vrei to topic!!
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.
J. M. Keynes.