Καλα υπαρχουν 482862839 board game cafe στην αθηνα, ο χωρος ειναι που λειπει;
Καλα υπαρχουν 482862839 board game cafe στην αθηνα, ο χωρος ειναι που λειπει;
Shall I say I was wrong, if I'm right?
To eldritch horror gia kapoio logo de mou kanei toso koukou oso to arkham.
Wraith den einai paixnidi pou paizete se public space to AH re. 8elei mia alfa atmosfaira![]()
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
Για πειτε, ποσο κανει αυτο. Ευχαριστω
The hero that the city needs, not the hero that it wants
Χωρις να θελω να κανω διαφημιση επειδη ξερω τα παιδια εκει, αλλα το καισσα καφε εχει και χωρο στον πανω οροφο που ειναι μια χαρα ησυχος για να παιξεις παιχνιδι μεγαλης διαρκειας, απλα θελει να συνεννοηθεις απο πριν και δεν παιζει καπνισμα.
Τεσπα εγω τον Αυγουστο εκει θα ειμαι 1-2 μερες τουλαχιστον να λιωνω με deadzone κλπ, αν μαζευτει κοσμος ψηνω να παιξω τιποτα τετοιο
Shall I say I was wrong, if I'm right?
Steile otan katebeis.
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
wraith δεν χρειάζεται να τα ξαναπούμε ε.
Είπαμε και με Σαμπρέλα μετά από κανα διβδόμαδο να παίξουμε και βάζει σπίτι ( ; - δεν ξέρω πόσους νερντς μπορεί να χωρέσει), να το συνδυάσουμε να γίνουμε πολλοί και θα φέρω κι εγώ πράμα.
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.
Ayta einai.
Ama mazeutoumai poloi, efoson mas antexei o samprelas kai xwrame, mporoume na spasoume se 2 group kai na pai3oume 2 games. Exw kapoia endiaferonta, lista edw
Standouts xabale: Battlestar Galactica, Dead of Winter. An kai to teleutaio ginetai POLY aggouri me polla atoma ;P
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
mormengil δίνεις το lost legion σου;
edit: btw η δική μου λίστα εδώ, ό,τι θέλετε μου λέτε και το φέρνω.
Last edited by 12 stars circle your brow; 16-07-2016 at 12:28.
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.
Me th gkamia
Blood rage kai betrayal me pshnoune proswpika.
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
Arkham horror : The card game
I'll bury you in your god's fucked garden
To eida kai droolara asystola.
Epishs ekana proxtes ena dokimastiko solo play to AH gia na dw ligo tous kanones giati einai xaos. Telka einai xaos. To exception tou exception W exception panaiam. mou phran 2 wres ta 2 prwta turns me 2 investigators. Den paizete to gamhdi xwris gero cheat sheet.
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear
Τελικα μαλλον ο μονος τροπος να παιξεις τετοια παιχνιδια ειναι αυτός
Shall I say I was wrong, if I'm right?
θα κανονίσουμε να παίξουμε τίποτα όμως;
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.
Opws eipa, ama ly8ei to 8ema tou xwrou egw eimai mesa. Apla isws gia prwth fora isws telika na mhn einai kalh idea na 3ekinhsoume me AH xwris kapoion empeiro paikth, 8a mas bgei ligo to ladi kai 8a paei para poly wra. An de sas noiazei auto passo, paizoume kai AH. Alliws dokimazoume kati allo, sto xrono tou AH aneta paizoume 2 alla.
My morning sun is the drug that brings me near
To the childhood I lost, replaced by fear