ομορφη τροπη το θρεντ
balto se spoiler re adah, den to exw diabasei akoma
Αυτό το πράμα είδα σπόρος στην τηλεόραση (MTV Europe, με παράσιτα κάργα), εκεί το 95-96' (είχε αρχίσει να αυξάνεται ο ντόρος επικείμενης της κυκλοφορίας του Load) και... άλλαξε η ζωή μου για πάντα.
Deafening, painstaking, BB King
Γυρίσματα "One";![]()
Life begins at 45°.
Οχι, τυχαια βιντεοσκοπηση απο drone που ταξιδεψε πισω στο χρονο και τους πηρε οσο εκαναν προβα τα κομματια σε τυχαια αποθηκη
Δυστυχώς μας χωρίζει η απόσταση. Και δε μπορώ να ξαναπατήσω Αμερική, αφού καταζητούμαι για παράνομο παρκάρισμα.
Life begins at 45°.
"Exterior. Late morning. A large man with many tattoos and dark sunglasses walks across the street toward a table where Mike Rowe is dining al fresco and drinking mimosas.
Large Tattooed Man: Sorry to interrupt, you’re Mike Rowe right?
Mike Rowe: I’m him.
Large Tattooed Man: I just wanted to tell you I enjoy your shows, and really appreciate what you’re doing for the skilled trades.
Freddy: bark-bark-bark, snap-growl-snap, bark-bark-bark!!!
Mike Rowe: Freddy - knock it off. Bad dog! Sorry. You guys local?
Large Tattooed Man: I live around here, and Sophia’s from Argentina.
Freddy: bark-bark-bark, snarl-growl-snap!!
Mike Rowe: That’s nice. What part?
Sophia: Buneos Aries.
Mike: I was there a few years ago. Beautiful place.
Sophia: It is.
Mike Rowe: So what do you do around here?
Large Tattooed Man: I play in a local band.
Mike Rowe: Cool! I love local bands. What kind of music?
Large Tattooed Man: Rock and Roll.
Mike Rowe: Nice. What do you call yourselves?
Large Tattooed Man:: Metallica.
Freddy: bark-bark-bark, snap-growl-snap, woof.
Mike: Oh my God. Of course. You’re Lars Ulrich. Forgive me. I heard you lived around here. What a pleasure to meet you.
Large Tattooed Man: Actually, my name is James. James Hetfield
Anyway, thanks James, for saying hello, and for writing songs that used to make my workouts fly by. And for being Record Store Ambassadors. That's very cool, and I heard the gig at Rasputin was awesome. Rock on.
PS. Please assure your niece that I have all your records.
PPS. Please tell Lars I think he has a bright future ahead of him."
I play in a local band![]()
Life begins at 45°.