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Thread: πρόβλημα

  1. #31
    Συνεργάτης Μόσπιτ Ingolemo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    nai, vazeis twn vista, tha doulepsoun.

    h 5450 pantws exei apo 25 e se skroutz, gia polu vasika pragmata ok einai, kai analoga ti thes na kaneis mporei ontws na xei nohma se sxesh me thn onboard.

    H 6670 pantws einai arketa pio grhgorh kai tha paizei kai paixnidia mia xara (anti na xeis 5-10 fps max me thn 5450 tha xeis 30-50 me thn 6670)
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey...stuff.

  2. #32


    δεν τους δέχεται :{

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