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  1. #13261
    Senior Member rottenside's Avatar
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    Οπου με θελουνε φυτο, εγω θα κανω σαματα.

  2. #13262
    Dlaczego spadam? >Redeemer<'s Avatar
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    Edge of The World


    Zwei Dinge sind unendlich: Das Universum und die Menschliche Dummheit. Aber beim Universum bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher.

  3. #13263
    Senior Member ion_storm's Avatar
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    The Void


    Όποιος θέλει να δει και τις υπόλοιπες, οι οποίες περιλαμβανουν φωτογραφίες φαγητών και δημιουργίες από κρέας εδώ.
    I don't do drugs. I am drugs.

  4. #13264
    Vic Ford Prefect's Avatar
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    Stavromula Beta


    These might look like photographs, but it's not all black and white when it comes to the work of this artist.

    Despite looking like they have been captured on a camera, these are actually hand-drawn images created by hyperrealist artist Paul Cadden.

    The 47-year-old, from Scotland, is able to recreate photos in amazing detail, often just using only a pencil.

    From the wrinkles on a woman’s face, a puff of smoke from a cigarette or dripping water - Cadden's drawings look unbelievably realistic.

    Hyperrealism was born from the idea of photorealism, which are paintings based on photographs but created in a non-photographic medium.

    Taking an average of between three and six weeks to produce, Cadden creates about seven pieces each year - which usually come in A1 or A0 sizes - and sell at galleries for up to £5,000 each.

    A spokesman for London's Plus One Gallery, which is featuring Cadden's work in its current hyperrealism exhibition, said: 'When you look at a picture of his work, they do look like photographs.

    'But when you see it in a gallery up close, you can tell it's a drawing. The detail is incredible.'

    Cadden, from Glasgow, was last year shortlisted for Artist of the Year 2011 for his drawing, ‘Painted context’.

    He said: 'I’ve been drawing since I was six years old and have wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember.

    'Hyperrealism tends to create an emotional, social and cultural impact and differs from photorealism which is far more technical.

    'My inspiration comes from the phrase "to intensify the normal". I take everyday objects and scenes of people and then create a drawing which carries an emotional impact - it can be quite beautiful.

    'I try to study the internal aspect of the image rather than focusing solely on the external part. I can fall in love with an image - if that doesn’t sound too hippy.'

    He added: 'I like to know the stories behind the faces of people I photograph - they could be a veteran war hero, you just don’t know.

    'What makes me different from other hyperrealist artists is that I predominantly work in pencil, while many others tend to use an airbrush.

    'I have done one painting that measured 60 x 40 inches - but I’ll never do that again, it was a killer!

    'Portraits are my favourite to do - I particularly like the one of a man with water running off his face, called ‘After’.'
    Paul has several exhibitions scheduled in America this year and is also due to appear on the prime time Japanese TV show called Unbelievable, which focuses on extraordinary people and events.

    He sadded: 'I am also visiting Atlanta for a solo exhibition showcasing my portraits of model Naduah Rugley.

    'She appeared on reality TV show ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and is apparently a huge fan of my works.

    'As well I have been invited to the OK Harris Gallery in New York in November as they are interested in my unusual take on Scottish landscapes.

    'This is the most attention I have received to date and I am excited about the potential to widen the range of my exposure.'

    Some of Cadden's work is being exhibited at the Plus One Gallery, which specialises in hyperrealism art.

    Δεν ελπίζω τίποτα
    Δεν φοβάμαι τίποτα
    Είμαι ξέμπαρκος

  5. #13265
    σκληρόκαρδος χρυσοκούκης Kingdom Gone's Avatar
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    Lebanon Hangover


    Quote Originally Posted by Ford Prefect View Post
    These might look like photographs, but it's not all black and white when it comes to the work of this artist.

    Despite looking like they have been captured on a camera, these are actually hand-drawn images created by hyperrealist artist Paul Cadden.

    The 47-year-old, from Scotland, is able to recreate photos in amazing detail, often just using only a pencil.

    From the wrinkles on a woman’s face, a puff of smoke from a cigarette or dripping water - Cadden's drawings look unbelievably realistic.

    Hyperrealism was born from the idea of photorealism, which are paintings based on photographs but created in a non-photographic medium.

    Taking an average of between three and six weeks to produce, Cadden creates about seven pieces each year - which usually come in A1 or A0 sizes - and sell at galleries for up to £5,000 each.

    A spokesman for London's Plus One Gallery, which is featuring Cadden's work in its current hyperrealism exhibition, said: 'When you look at a picture of his work, they do look like photographs.

    'But when you see it in a gallery up close, you can tell it's a drawing. The detail is incredible.'

    Cadden, from Glasgow, was last year shortlisted for Artist of the Year 2011 for his drawing, ‘Painted context’.

    He said: 'I’ve been drawing since I was six years old and have wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember.

    'Hyperrealism tends to create an emotional, social and cultural impact and differs from photorealism which is far more technical.

    'My inspiration comes from the phrase "to intensify the normal". I take everyday objects and scenes of people and then create a drawing which carries an emotional impact - it can be quite beautiful.

    'I try to study the internal aspect of the image rather than focusing solely on the external part. I can fall in love with an image - if that doesn’t sound too hippy.'

    He added: 'I like to know the stories behind the faces of people I photograph - they could be a veteran war hero, you just don’t know.

    'What makes me different from other hyperrealist artists is that I predominantly work in pencil, while many others tend to use an airbrush.

    'I have done one painting that measured 60 x 40 inches - but I’ll never do that again, it was a killer!

    'Portraits are my favourite to do - I particularly like the one of a man with water running off his face, called ‘After’.'
    Paul has several exhibitions scheduled in America this year and is also due to appear on the prime time Japanese TV show called Unbelievable, which focuses on extraordinary people and events.

    He sadded: 'I am also visiting Atlanta for a solo exhibition showcasing my portraits of model Naduah Rugley.

    'She appeared on reality TV show ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and is apparently a huge fan of my works.

    'As well I have been invited to the OK Harris Gallery in New York in November as they are interested in my unusual take on Scottish landscapes.

    'This is the most attention I have received to date and I am excited about the potential to widen the range of my exposure.'

    Some of Cadden's work is being exhibited at the Plus One Gallery, which specialises in hyperrealism art.


    After the Triumph of Your Birth.

  6. #13266
    Administrator KoiliaSamprela's Avatar
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    κραγιόν ή νομίζω?
    Αλέξη, Αλέξη! Τελείωνε , ΞΕΚΌΛΛΑ

  7. #13267


    υπερρεαλισμός όπως και να χει...
    η αβάσταχτη πλαδαρότητα του αδυνατισμένου θράσερ

  8. #13268
    Senior Member karharias's Avatar
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    Hey Bobby Marley, sing something good to me
    this world go crazy, it's an emergency

  9. #13269
    lcsgp FIXXXER's Avatar
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    Στις 4:20 καθε μερα??

  10. #13270
    nihil pop metamelia3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom Gone View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ford Prefect View Post
    These might look like photographs, but it's not all black and white when it comes to the work of this artist.

    Despite looking like they have been captured on a camera, these are actually hand-drawn images created by hyperrealist artist Paul Cadden.

    The 47-year-old, from Scotland, is able to recreate photos in amazing detail, often just using only a pencil.

    From the wrinkles on a woman’s face, a puff of smoke from a cigarette or dripping water - Cadden's drawings look unbelievably realistic.

    Hyperrealism was born from the idea of photorealism, which are paintings based on photographs but created in a non-photographic medium.

    Taking an average of between three and six weeks to produce, Cadden creates about seven pieces each year - which usually come in A1 or A0 sizes - and sell at galleries for up to £5,000 each.

    A spokesman for London's Plus One Gallery, which is featuring Cadden's work in its current hyperrealism exhibition, said: 'When you look at a picture of his work, they do look like photographs.

    'But when you see it in a gallery up close, you can tell it's a drawing. The detail is incredible.'

    Cadden, from Glasgow, was last year shortlisted for Artist of the Year 2011 for his drawing, ‘Painted context’.

    He said: 'I’ve been drawing since I was six years old and have wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember.

    'Hyperrealism tends to create an emotional, social and cultural impact and differs from photorealism which is far more technical.

    'My inspiration comes from the phrase "to intensify the normal". I take everyday objects and scenes of people and then create a drawing which carries an emotional impact - it can be quite beautiful.

    'I try to study the internal aspect of the image rather than focusing solely on the external part. I can fall in love with an image - if that doesn’t sound too hippy.'

    He added: 'I like to know the stories behind the faces of people I photograph - they could be a veteran war hero, you just don’t know.

    'What makes me different from other hyperrealist artists is that I predominantly work in pencil, while many others tend to use an airbrush.

    'I have done one painting that measured 60 x 40 inches - but I’ll never do that again, it was a killer!

    'Portraits are my favourite to do - I particularly like the one of a man with water running off his face, called ‘After’.'
    Paul has several exhibitions scheduled in America this year and is also due to appear on the prime time Japanese TV show called Unbelievable, which focuses on extraordinary people and events.

    He sadded: 'I am also visiting Atlanta for a solo exhibition showcasing my portraits of model Naduah Rugley.

    'She appeared on reality TV show ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and is apparently a huge fan of my works.

    'As well I have been invited to the OK Harris Gallery in New York in November as they are interested in my unusual take on Scottish landscapes.

    'This is the most attention I have received to date and I am excited about the potential to widen the range of my exposure.'

    Some of Cadden's work is being exhibited at the Plus One Gallery, which specialises in hyperrealism art.


    ποστ οφ δε εβερ και τρελαινομαι με ανορθογραφη αφισα καραμανλη.
    this is radio freedom.

  11. #13271
    Senior Member karharias's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FIXXXER View Post
    Στις 4:20 καθε μερα??

    Hey Bobby Marley, sing something good to me
    this world go crazy, it's an emergency

  12. #13272
    Resident Κύπριος The Donnn's Avatar
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    Αυτό παει να πει να μου κλάσεις τ'αρχίδια;

  13. #13273
    Senior Member freak brother's Avatar
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    στο πρωινο του e.r


    δεν μπορω να σταματησω να γελαω..
    σηκωσες λιγο την μπλουζιτσα και υποψιαστηκα οτι εισαι ο φρικ. Σε λιγα δευτερολεπτα ειχα μαθει την τραγικη αληθεια.Δεν ξερω αν προσεξες την απογοητευση στo προσωπο μου..
    Yesterday 19:29 <menumission> de mporeis na kaneis ignore ton eauto sou sto tsat molis to dokimasa

    στο θεωρητικό παρκούρ δίνω οστά και σάρκα,απο εμπόδιο σ΄ εμπόδιο πετάγομαι για πλάκα Άκου τον Φόρη and don't worry

  14. #13274
    Senior Member Harbinger of Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saloth sar View Post
    Το αποκουμπι του κρετινου, του φασιστα και του καθε μαλακα ειναι η προστασια της γυναικας, οταν και αμα σταματουν να τις θεωρουν ολες πουτανες και δυο-τρεις τρυπες για γαμησι μοναχα.

  15. #13275

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