θα ηθελα καποιος να παρει λιγο χρονο (αμερικανιζε) και να μου εξηγησει ακριβως τη σημασια του they see me rollin, they hatin.
"Τι χτυπαω??"
"Ενα μονο με ελιες. Και ενα μονο με πατατες."
“They See Me Rollin” is a popular catchphrase derived from the rapper Chamillionaire’s 2006 hit single, Ridin’. Soon after the single and video were released, people began spoofing the song.
The key to understanding this meme lies not in the popularity of either Chamillionaire or Weird Al, but in the meme’s identity as an incarnation of the “Roll family” such as Duckroll and Rickroll.
The phrase “They see me rollin’, they hatin’” is often found superimposed over captioned onto or in motivational format using images of out-of-the-ordinary methods of transportation. Either that, or it’s pasted over the top of overweight/disabled people on scooters/wheelchairs. It has also appeared in YouTube videos with the song in the background.
Αλέξη, Αλέξη! Τελείωνε , ΞΕΚΌΛΛΑ
When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.
Hi, I 'm a signature Virus. Plz add me to your sig and help me conquer the world.
ALERT! Signature Infected by Unknown Virus.
Click Me
λολ, ο βικότνικ δεν είναι αυτός;
Last edited by Shadowking; 07-10-2011 at 22:49.
A loaded gun won't set you free.
So you say.
missile baloons![]()
man has known and now he's blown it upside down and hell's the only sound,
we did an awful job and now they say it's nobody's fault
Interviewer : How does it feel to be the greatest guitarist in the world ?
Jimmy Hendrix : I don't know, go ask Rory Gallagher.
Ξέρετε γιατί όταν κάνετε μπάνιο στον Αμαζόνιο πρέπει να φοράτε... προφυλακτικό;
..Γω νόμιζα πως ήσασταν ο Σπουδαίος Θεός, ο Μεγαλοδύναμος
αλλά σεις δεν είστε παρά ένα ειδωλάκι, ένας κόπανος με γραβάτα
Σκύβω ήδη να πιάσω το κέρατο
που χω κρυμμένο στα σταράκια μου...