το σπιτι της μπγιορκ στην ισλανδια
Argentine artist Nicolás García Uriburu dyes polluted bodies of water using fluorescein, a pigment which turns a bright green when synthesized by microorganisms in the water. Uriburu has been doing this for decades to raise awareness of worsening water pollution.
Last edited by sauerkraut; 07-04-2011 at 14:39.
After the Triumph of Your Birth.
Last edited by menumission; 08-04-2011 at 18:00.
When candiru strikes
Ξέρετε γιατί όταν κάνετε μπάνιο στον Αμαζόνιο πρέπει να φοράτε... προφυλακτικό;
satan was a lez