"Τι χτυπαω??"
"Ενα μονο με ελιες. Και ενα μονο με πατατες."
Last edited by menumission; 16-09-2010 at 13:29.
The end of romanticism.
We revel in our time.
<menumission> otan fas klwtsia sth mapa pou 8a sou meinei a3exasth 8a to prosexeis to stomataki sou kalutera peoroufhxtra
<menumission> eunouxismenh orka
και γενικότερα: http://thereifixedit.failblog.org/
πολύ μου άρεσε, γέλασα λίγο.
ξεκινάτε από το δικό μου pm και συνεχίζετε
Throughout the times of perplexity and illusion
We've got some last Gods left, worth keeping
That go by such names as Kindness and Honesty.
I want us to hold swords again
As in the years of the old tales.
But this time, to fight for Dignity and Solidarity.
Against the waves of darkness and death
I'm walking with Eternal Brightness in my eyes.
oreos o Leech
the game is the game
After the Triumph of Your Birth.
these walls built to stand come-what-may
lie shattered in the ashes.