Gia 2h synexh xronia to Beach'n'Roll sthn 3h marina ths paralias ths Glyfadadas to Savvato 26 Ioynioy. Enar3h 19:30. Eisodos TSAMPA!!!!!!
Psi8eite wraia mera, wraio meros kai tsampa rock'n'roll!!!
Gia 2h synexh xronia to Beach'n'Roll sthn 3h marina ths paralias ths Glyfadadas to Savvato 26 Ioynioy. Enar3h 19:30. Eisodos TSAMPA!!!!!!
Psi8eite wraia mera, wraio meros kai tsampa rock'n'roll!!!
nai wraio meros auto. poly pshstiko. alla 8a xei agwna mundial ekeino to brady -1h mera ths fashs twn 16- kai paizei na nai agglia-serbia h' agglia-germania........![]()
Anguished eyes of the city of suffering
Seeking guidance, believing in love
Some fools who want something for nothing
Wear the badge of the cowards above...
plaka me kaneis................i'm allready there!!!!![]()
Anguished eyes of the city of suffering
Seeking guidance, believing in love
Some fools who want something for nothing
Wear the badge of the cowards above...
Deep in the night
underneath the darkest skies
searching for a sign or some distant light
Screaming yet unheard
repeating every line
and every final word
They remain, they remain
you still remain
All these words and memories
and everything you were to me
they remain, they remain
you still remain
to pi8anotero einai na perasei 1h kai na paiksei th kyriakh to brady, alla an spasei o diaolos to podari tou kai perasei 2h, paizei ontws to apogeuma tou sabbatou, alla stis 5 wra ellados, 4 n. afrikhs.
Anguished eyes of the city of suffering
Seeking guidance, believing in love
Some fools who want something for nothing
Wear the badge of the cowards above...
8a exw oristikh apanthsh pio arga
me ntala hlio pantos o projectoras den 8a fainete kai polu kala......
projector 8a yparxei alla den 8a fainete tipota. to bradyno mats den 8a to di3oume...... 8a exei ftynh mpyra pantos! psi8eite, boh8iste thn fash, tsampa einai! proo8hste to!
gia to bradyno mats 8a dw ti 8a kanw. to poly-poly meta tous truck, thn kanw.![]()
Anguished eyes of the city of suffering
Seeking guidance, believing in love
Some fools who want something for nothing
Wear the badge of the cowards above...
είχα σκάσει πέρυσι , και πέρα από τα προβλήματα της πρώτης φοράς είχε πολύ καλό τζέρτζελο.
όσοι δεν έχετε σοβαρό λόγο να μην πάτε , να ξε-μουχλιάσετε και να πάτε.
Αλέξη, Αλέξη! Τελείωνε , ΞΕΚΌΛΛΑ
κάθε φορά και καλύτερα και με περισσότερο κόσμο.
Φέτος δεν χρειαζότανε να πας στα περίπτερα για μπύρα.
Πάντα τέτοια και του χρόνου ακόμα καλύτερα![]()