Geia sas koukles, eiste oles kala ?
Exoume to group Ixpapalotl kai hxografhsame EP me 3 kommatia ( toso thrasos exoume ).
To link sto myspace einai
Filia se olous.
Geia sas koukles, eiste oles kala ?
Exoume to group Ixpapalotl kai hxografhsame EP me 3 kommatia ( toso thrasos exoume ).
To link sto myspace einai
Filia se olous.
Last edited by Carcass_; 25-07-2009 at 12:56.
1. Mathematics is the language of nature
2. Everything around is can be represented and understood by numbers
3. If you graph the numbers of any system, patterns emerge
1. The cycling of disease epidemics
2. The wax and wan of caribou populations
3. Sunspot cycles
4. The rise and fall of the Nile River