Ti protimate?
An 8ete dikaiologhste thn apanthsh sas. To topic pantws einai perissotero gia na sas porwsei
Adeptus Astartes
Excomunicate Traitoris
The Ancient
The Lost
Adeptus Inquisitorius
The Dying
Adeptus Sororitas
The Hammer Of The Emperor
The Beast
The Young
The Great Devourer
Kanenan. Einai oloi flwroi. Paizw me diamantakia.
Ti protimate?
An 8ete dikaiologhste thn apanthsh sas. To topic pantws einai perissotero gia na sas porwsei
Ravel: There is no room for '2' in the world of 1's and 0's, no place for 'mayhap' in a house of trues and falses, and no 'green with envy' in a black and white world.