eksairetika strateymenh, eksairetika skatopsyxh, eksairetika disturbing, alla, par'ola ayta, eksairetika asteia brabeymenh animated seira toy bbc. ta epeisodia perimbaloyn synhthws kapoioys statheroys xarakthres, opws paedofinder general (dikasths/ektelesths ths dhmosias ysterias peri paiderastias, ala witchfinder twn paliwn epoxwn), diaforoys typoys sta akra ths zwhs (opws ton tzogadoro patera poy klebei apo ton koympara ths 8xronhs korhs toy ktl), kai alla polla. entelws non-PC.

apospasma apo to site toy bbc:

"The series is set in a permanent urban nightmare - a nocturnal world inhabited by the sad, the lonely and the emotionally crippled. Its satirical targets range across the whole spectrum of British society, from dysfunctional families to heartless government departments.

This is a world of mass murderers and divorced dads, of illegal aliens and wannabe terrorists, of perverts, tramps, hookers and liars. Monkey Dust is a show that brings out the loser in everybody. "

an thn exete petyxei grapste, an oxi, plhroforoymai oti yparxoyn oi dyo prwtoi kykloi sto eMule. aksizei na thn dokimasete.


+ dyo klipakia edw (xwris toys aforementioned parakmiakoys xarakthres):

http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/tv/monkey ... gsound.ram
http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/tv/monkey ... addiel.ram
