Paradexomai oti na kallierghthei ena tetoio thread einai isws ligo filodokso. Par'ola ayta, briskw syxna wraia apospasmata se biblia pot tha hthela na ta moirastw me kosmo, kai ayto apofasisa na to grapsw.
Diabazw ena biblio toy Yann Martel, toy syggrafea toy "Life of Pi", poy legetai "Self" kai einai oysiastika biografiko. Brisketai se hlikia 10 etwn sto sygkekrimeno shmeio, exontas molis aporifthei apo mia symmathhtria toy. Kai grafei...
"...This pain, the pain of unrequited love, occured at such regular intervals during my childhood and adolescence that I don't care to write about it. It was a terrible and continuous pain and there was no deflecting it, only bearing it. When my parents prepared spaghetti, I always noticed the one noodle left behind in the strainer, forsaken, forgotten, while its companions lay intertwined in each others' arms, hot and steaming, in the large bowl at the centre of the table. When love was pain, I felt like that noodle. I never ate pasta without beforehand going in the strainer in the sink. I would look upon this bereft noodle, curled upon itself in search of comfort, and I would bring it love by eating it tenderly..."