To palio avatar tou BLi][zER i to avatar toy clockwork orange?
To palio avatar tou BLi][zER i to avatar toy clockwork orange?
Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.
J. M. Keynes.
An ennoeis to avatar mou me to gkomenaki, xalara to protimo ap'oti gkomena exo dei entos kai ektos forum ton teleytaio xrono.
Life begins at 45°.
Δε θυμάμαι ποιο λέμε.
Who knows where the days go
And would you ever want them back
Den exei shmasia. Pshfise me epeidh KAI o montexrhstos gamaei.
Btw h grammatoseira tou signature sou mou thymizei Diablo.
Life begins at 45°.
ta dika mou sas skizoun
alla kai tou clockwork einai sketh kavla.
Where's the booze?
I used to be perfect but now I'm even better
den eimai omofilofili akoma.
Giati den einai komplexikos
"What's wrong with archaeologists?"
-"I'm a time traveler, I point and laugh at archaeologists"
giati akoma thimamai ekeino to koryfaiop thread pou eixe kanei gia tous opeth
etsi re mounakia.monicaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
<------------------------------------------------auto psifizoume
wraithmare eisai kai gamw.
angel_of_sorrow den peirazei
I 'm siiiiiiiiiiiiinging in the rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ΠΑΝΤΑOriginally Posted by Clockwork_orange
"What's wrong with archaeologists?"
-"I'm a time traveler, I point and laugh at archaeologists"
[kapos_pio_gay_mode]Το avatar της Painless [/kapos_pio_gay_mode]
No trees were killed to send this message, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
to diko mou
Θέλω να δω το avatar του Clockwork Orange να κάνει ότι έκανε το παλιό avatar του BLi][zER...
Μέχρι να δω αυτό το πράγμα αρνούμαι να ψηφίσω.
Έτσι, έτσι, ο Ihsahn θα σας κάνει όλους κάπως πιο γκέι σαν τον Deggial.Originally Posted by Deggial
Who knows where the days go
And would you ever want them back