The technology of RSS allows Internet users to subscribe to websites that have provided RSS feeds; these are typically sites that change or add content regularly. To use this technology, site owners create or obtain specialized software (such as a content management system) which, in the machine-readable XML format, presents new articles in a list, giving a line or two of each article and a link to the full article or post. Unlike subscriptions to many printed newspapers and magazines, most RSS subscriptions are free.Quote:
Originally Posted by MoRmEnGiL
The RSS formats provide web content or summaries of web content together with links to the full versions of the content, and other meta-data. This information is delivered as an XML file called an RSS feed, webfeed, RSS stream, or RSS channel. In addition to facilitating syndication, RSS allows a website's frequent readers to track updates on the site using an aggregator.
Πήγαινε στο για παράδειγμα. Έχουν feed όπου λαμβάνεις τα τελευταία άρθρα σε περίληψη κ' link για να τα διαβάσεις. Ο Opera είναι τρομερά βολικός για αυτή τη δουλειά.