Thnx :) Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους!!~~!! :D
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Thnx :) Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους!!~~!! :D
Χρόνια καλά. :)
Αυτό το φόρουμ είναι τρομαχτικό.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dragonlord
Χρόνια Πολλά. Να χαίρεστε το όνομά σας.
Re c pitchfork, re kamari mou allakse to sig sou.Ntaks kataksekwliasmenos keratas gamomanos klp klp o Kaznaferhs, mazi sou alla einai poly spastiko na vlepeis prwta afto kai meta ta post sou. :)
Μεχεχε, το καλύτερο pick up line ever:
I don't mean to disturb you, but Heisenberg's Uncertainly Principle said I already did that by observing you.
Η πλήρης λίστα:
11. I entered the probability equation into my TI-89 Titanium Graphing calculator and it predicted you would go out with me, see! (hold up calculator)
10. What's a nice girl like you doing on an unsecured webcam like this?
9. Can I have a large coffee with sugar and your phone number, please?
8. Do you prefer the static or expanding universe theory more? Because, since I first saw you, I'm expanding.
7. That Princess Leia slave girl outfit would look great in a crumpled heap next to my bed.
6. You make me want to be an honest man, and register all my shareware.
5. Yes, that is a real light saber replica in my pocket, but I'm still happy to see you.
4. You're so beautiful, I'd take my Steve Austin action figure out of its original packaging for you.
3. Do you want to come back to my place, and we can prank call George Lucas?
2. I don't mean to disturb you, but Heisenberg's Uncertainly Principle said I already did that by observing you.
1. Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven, because F=ma and your acceleration after falling that far would be incredible.
Aυτό το έχω κάνει αλλά με όνομα.Quote:
9. Can I have a large coffee with sugar and your phone number, please?
Can I have a large coffee with sugar and your phone number, "Maria"?Quote:
Originally Posted by Atheist
Μαλάκα κάθε φορά που θα θες να κάνεις τέτοιο post, χτύπα ένα τηλ, θα χώνω μια μπουνιά στο στομάχι μου. Τουλάχιστον θα πονάω αλλά αξιοπρεπώς. ;pQuote:
Originally Posted by carheart
nyxterina nea ston antena..
"sunexizontai oi erevnes gia to prwktiko pou vrethhke sthn soupa"
Im feeling lucky.
sad but true :PQuote:
Originally Posted by Ace
Mounares kalo mhna.