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να κι ο ποιητής! Τον πέτυχα στο φανάρι κάτω από την αερογέφυρα της Σταυρούπολης λίγο πριν στρίψω αριστερά στην Ωραιοκάστρου
μεγάλο άτομο ο βάτραχος
The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat him. This picture shocked the whole world. No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken.
Three months later he committed suicide due to depression.
This one goes out to all my socially inept bretheren who have been unlucky in the area of picking up women. The weekend is upon us and it is prime time for all hot girls to ditch their business casual attire and to slap on some skank, some slut and some hoe-wear in an attemp to bait and lure men that they consider of value. And while you’re sitting in the corner of the bar, emptying your resouces into looking like a wallflower and waiting for her to approach, some douchebag from down the way is all up on the girl of your dreams and your twidling your thumbs wondering why she is not on your dick. The night ends with countless excuses and rationalization as to why you’re walking home alone and not boning that girl that gave you a smile and a glance earlier in the night.
Where am I going with this post you ask? This bullshit of not having what you want ends here. I firmly believe with all my heart that we can have anything we want in life as long as we are willing to put out the work, the sweat and the tears to achieve it. If you want to be climb Mt Everest, you can do so. If you want to be a millionaire, you can be so and if you want to hook up with the super hot girl that was sitting at the bar, you can do so. But first we need to recognize that there is a process and that there is work involved in acquiring women of a high caliber. Some guys are blessed to have natural game but for guys like you and me we need to study, practice and apply the art of seduction.We must learn the rules of engagment. We must get rid of our old set of beliefs that have debilitated us for so long. We must develop our inner game and change our frame of reference. We are the prize, not they. We must be men and not boys.
Is it worth it? All the work, all the studying, all the time spent in the bars and the clubs, all the rejections, all the fake phone numbers, all the times you will be placed in the friend zone, all the uncomfortable silences and all the awkward dates. Is it really worth it? To share a life with the women of your dreams, who fits all your criteria and not settling on the girl that you weren’t really interested in, but who actually gave you the time of the day….I think so.
offtopic και στα αρχίδια μου.