Life Of Agony are expected to play what are rumored to be their final shows together this weekend overseas. The performances may be particularly eye opening for fans who haven’t kept up with the group as of late, as frontman
Keith Caputo has fully embraced his choice to be a
pre-op transexual. While initial rumors had been suggesting that
Caputo had undergone gender reassignment surgery, he has since
confirmed to (who apparently forgot to credit ThePRP for the original story…) that as he put it, “I’m keeping my penis!”
07/15 Augsburg, GER – Kantine
07/16 Dour, BEL – Dour Festival
07/17 Lichtenvoorde, NET – Zwarte Cross Festival
When asked by a fan via
Twitter about his status with
Life Of Agony,
Caputo replied:
“LOA has already gone in2 isolation & it’s got nothin 2 do w me transitioning. my boys love me regardless of my life choices!”