1. Aristole (greek scholar and tutor of alexander)
2. Bill Gates (Microsoft Founder)
3. Pele (brazilian footballer)
4. Charlie Chaplin (famous comedian)
5. Vladimir Lenin (Head of soviet union and founder of leninism)
6. Halko Khan (warrior of east)
7. Adolf Hitler (German Dictator)
8. Mike Tyson (youngest heavyweight champ)
9. Bill Clinton (former US President)
10. Pharoh (Egyption king. it cud be tutakhanum or Rameses II)
11. Saddam Hussain (Late Iraqi President)
12. King Edward (king of great britain )
13. Vladimir Putin (Current President of Russia)
14. Margret Thatcher (Former prime minister of UK)
15. Sigmond Freud (great Psychologist)
16. Bruce Lee (legendary Kung fu hero)
17. Winston Churchill (Brit Prime minister in 40s)
18. Queen Elizabeth (queen of Great britain)
19. Temple (a girl character in a poem )
20. Elvis Presley (father of Rock n’ roll)
21. Willam Shakepere (British Poet)
22. Joseph Stalin (Most powerful dictator in Soveit Union)
23. Albert Einestine (Greatest Scientist)
24. Socrates (Greek Scholar. a philoshper)
25. Karl Marx (A revolutionist and founder of Marxism)
26. Ghengis Khan (Mongolian Ruler. Invaded alot of east)
27. Steven speilberg (Ace Hollywood Producer)
28. Yakumo Maito (Japanese Merchant)
29. Napolean Bona fide (Greatest French Ruler)
30. Abraham Lincoln (America’s president and Founding father)
31. Mao Zedong (China’s Communist Ruler)
32. Ernesto Che Guevara (Argentinian Rebel. Executioner of Gorilla Warfare)
33. Moses (Prophet of Jews)
34. Fiedel Castro (Leader of Cuba)
35. Marlon Brando (DOn Corleone)
36. Yasir Arafat (Palestinian leader)
37. Marilyn Monroe (actress of hollywood in 50s)
38. Mahatma Gandhi (Founder of India)
39. George W. Bush II
40. Michael Jordan (Great NBA player)
41. Micheal angelo (Italian Artist)
42. Prince Charles ( Prince of UK)
43. Alan Sharon (Prime minister of Israel)
44. Dorian Gray (Famous Artist)
45. Kofi Anan (Former Secretary General of U.N)
46. Yao Ming?
47. Osama Bin Laden (Most Wanted Person in the world) :-)
48. Shangrilla (China)
49. Great Pyramids (Egypt)
50. Hanging Garden (Babylon)
51. Julius Ceaser or Alexander the Great…
52. Kim Jong ll (North Korean Leader)
53. Mother Threasa (A Social worker)
54. Plato (Greek Scholar)
55. Miyamoto Musahi (Famous Japanese Samurai Warrior)
56. Kim il Sung (North Korean Leader)