Ra Pariahs και woms πείτε που ξέρετε από Νορβηγάρες αν οι Tartaros θα μου δώσουν δυνατές συγκινήσεις για να τους αφιερώσω χρόνο.
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Ra Pariahs και woms πείτε που ξέρετε από Νορβηγάρες αν οι Tartaros θα μου δώσουν δυνατές συγκινήσεις για να τους αφιερώσω χρόνο.
SPIRITUAL BEGGARS: Unsigned & working on new tunes
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Εντάξει, πιο anticipated δίσκος της χρονιάς-δεκαετίας:
Icon Vs. Icon (Webzine) recently conducted an interview with acclaimed metal drummer Richard Christy (ICED EARTH, DEATH, LEASH LAW, CONTROL DENIED, BURNING INSIDE). An excerpt from the chat follows below.
Icon Vs. Icon: We wanted to ask you about the unreleased [second] CONTROL DENIED record. I know that you and some other band members were still looking to make that happen. What is the status of that?
Richard Christy: I am really psyched about that. That is another thing that I will be working on this year! I am so happy that I can finally say that we are finally moving forward on that. I have been getting a lot of e-mail and questions over the past few years from fans asking when that album is going to come out. Unfortunately, there were some legal issues with the label that had signed that album. To my knowledge, the label doesn't exist anymore and all the legal issues have been cleared up and we are able to move forward. I am very close with [CONTROL DENIED/DEATH mainman] Chuck Schuldiner's family and I talk with them often. They are very excited about this moving forward as well. We are going to get everybody together up in Morristown, New Jersey and finish the record this year. We just have to talk to everybody about their schedules — Steve DiGiorgio [bass], Shannon Hamm [guitar] and Tim Aymar [vocals]. Also, [producer] Jim Morris (of Morrissound Studio) because he is really excited to do it too! The drums and Chuck's guitar parts are recorded, we just have to go in and finish the rest. I can't wait because the music is incredible! People are going to be so psyched when they hear this album, because it is monstrous! It is really going to be amazing. I am really excited to finish that because that was one of Chuck's last wishes, that fans would get to hear the second CONTROL DENIED album, and I am so glad that we can finally make that happen.
Norwegian black metallers DARKTHRONE will release their new album, "Circle The Wagons", on April 5 via Peaceville Records.
The track listing for the CD is as follows:
01. Those Treasures Will Never Befall You
02. Running For Borders
03. I Am The Graves Of The 80s
04. Stylized Corpse
05. Circle The Wagons
06. Black Mountain Totem
07. I Am The Working Class
08. Eyes Burst At Dawn
09. Bränn Inte Slottet
Ford αυτό το ανέκδοτο πόσα χρόνια ακόμα το κόβεις να κυκλοφορεί? Δεν λέω μακάρι, αλλά δεν...
16 Χ 7''
Θα σου απαντήσω το βραδάκι, να φρεσκάρω λίγο το full τους, επειδή έχω πολύ καιρό να το ακούσω. Μέχρι τότε, τσέκαρε
Είδες, δε σ'αφήνω ποτέ χωρίς δουλειά! :P
(το συγκεκριμένο δίσκο τον έχει προτείνει κι ο Wom)
vgalane live?
yep, dvd/2cd λέει!
Thelo ena linkaki gia ta kommatia apo to "je t'aime"-pwstolegane ths pania.
Afto to gnwsto me vagkner/poutsini, ntou apo pantou, katman kai istories.
O,ti exete efxaristhsh, 8a vrw ton tropo na sas antameipsw.
Το ίνμποξ σου είναι γεμάτο, λυπάμαι.