Originally Posted by Karl Willets
Heres my account of the NJ Riot...It is a memorable point in the history of BoltThrower...
We where told before to expect some shit at this venue, we where greeted by a somewhat jumpy female promoter, Nazi skinheads had recently been walking into gigs and trashing the place and causing brawls, rumour had it tonight was to be no different.
We met with the guys from Immolation , top blokes...off their tits on PCP, the load in was amusing...I'd had a bit of crystal meth that night which may have added to the overall weirdness of the night. Robert Muller our German freind from Century Media Records was also there, he kindly gave us the loan of his pet slugger(baseball bat), which we removed from the trunk (boot) of his car and surrepticiously hid behind the stage.
I remember throughout the support bands these nazi pricks had started to do that stupid arm streching routine a lot...I got on stage and told them to stop..(no suprise they didn't...but they'd had a warning....)
When we went on stage I was furious, I remember some small black dude, well into the band and metal who was petrified by these animals, I think I warned them a couple of times...but the only thing these idiots would react to was direct confrontation.
I launced myself off the stage aiming myself at this one gangly twat whom had annoyed me particularly, and between me and the sound engineer from the venue we had them cornered, I looked out the corner of my eye to see this huge Neaderthal coming right at me, with adolf hitler tattoed on his chest, at this point our Tour Manager intervened with the German slugger!
I saw the nazi monster collapse to the fllor with blood pissing out of his head, the backswing to the bat almost killed one of the skinhead kids whom must have been about 12.
The place descended into chaos, the security guards where related to the skinheads, it could have got bad...We loaded our gear out superquick thanks to a more together immolation! and high tailed it out of there.
As we left, Baz remembered we left the baseball bat in the venue, he went back in to retreive it just as the skinheads returned to the venue for vengeance...I have never seen a man move so quick through a melee of flailing limbs!
We drove off and we then thought that we where being followed by carloads of nazis after our blood, so we pulled over to confront them, yelling as we approached the stopped vechiles, until we realised it was some fans just making sure we got away ok....
A great yarn, to tell the grandchildren..(!?!)