Oso gia to dirty hands, proswpika to karagoustara. Proetoimase ki allo to edafos gia ti diki tou baltar parousiazontas ena diko tou worldview, mas psinei oti exei kai supporters among the fleet, mia xaroula. It barely qualifies as a filler: an mas elegan katey8eian sto epomeno oti den ton misoun oi pantes, 8a legame oti ir8e apo to pou8ena. Ksafnika, well, the guy has a point. :P
Auto einai to kalo toulaxiston, oti auta pou gia "alles" seires 8a htan apla fillers, edw xtizoun xarakthres kai bazoun ta pragmata se ena perspective prin arxisoun pali ta purotexnhmata. In retrospect, nomizw oti pragmatika apolausa auth thn anepishmh trilogia "life in the fleet after New Caprica", ka8ws prepei na 8umomaste oti mporei na gurisame pali sto basiko setting ths seiras, to drifting through space in search of Earth, alla sunebhsan gegonota sto meta3u pou ephreasan tous pantes. Bravo loipon pou gurisan men sto, sigoura pio agaphto, journeying through the stars, alla se kamia periptwsh den pathsan reset button.
To resolution tou epeisodiou ki emena de me trelane, pollh xara kai eutuxia all around, alla apo thn allh, se kalei na pistepseis se mia an8rwpothta h opoia 8elei kati kalutero, 8elei na zhsei armonika xwris ta la8h tou parel8ontos, 8elei na ekmetalleutei auth th deuterh eukairia pou ths do8hke, kai proswpika I'm down with that. Kai auto ginetai xwris ta afelh frou-frou tou Gene Roddenberry, opou h an8rwpothta einai pleon pefwtismenh epeidh... well, epeidh ths KAPNISE. :P
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