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Scared of girls
An introverted kind of soul
The earth did open
Swallow whole
Careening X4
Her next of kin who lived in sin
Was asking God to let her in
Careening X4
I'm a man, a liar
Get into your bed
I gotta place it on the rack
Got a place inside it X3
An extroverted kinda girl
Did tour the world with MC5
Careening X4
Her younger sister, had a blister
Where I kissed her on her thigh
Careening X4
I'm a man a liar
Guaranteed in your bed
I gotta place it on the rack
Got a place inside it
ORMA TOUS TSAK!!!! :bananafuck:
Ypenthymizw oti ayto to topic den xrhzei (sic) kleidwmatos. Oloi exoyn meinei OFF TOPIC (ara mesa sto orio poy to official topic orizei.)
seks ntrags ent gkoth ent rol
i valenthia pire to uefa :vasilakis:
H Ann Kavli(onoma kai prama?): http://skrift.no/kavli/
opa opa opa... parta 1-1 na katalavoume k emeis. alla prwta kane ena sxeto na meinoume ektos k meta synexizoume. na kanoume k kanan ari8mo fibonacci sto endiameso e... mhn 3exasteis.Quote:
Originally Posted by Tiananmenman
ahahahah 8eos o solos. te kai -
Apopse exoume fakes... Elpizw na exoume kai feta... kai ntomatoaggourokremmydosallata...
A, brwmane ki oi masxales mou...
nystazw gamw thn prwinh mou douleia gamw :evil: :evil: :evil:
έφυγα νωρίς χτες και είμαι ξεκούραστος... :)
αλλά το πρωί βρήκα μια κλήση για 65 Ε στο αμάξι γαμω #^^#$%^$#!@@@# των μπάτσων γαμώ... :x :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
με έγραψαν για παρκάρισμα σε γωνιά που χωράει να στρίψει αεροπλάνο! (τέρμα του 220 για όσους ξέρουν) :x :x :x
Originally Posted by Raven Lord
malakismenh mera shmera, e?
apopse den einai kai to trapezi me to finlando?
pikra :|