Σας γαμάω όλους prt 2 :ΣΤΑ ΙΣΑ !
Σαν τον Τρυανταφυλλόπουλο είμαι εδώ ρε φίλε..................
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Σας γαμάω όλους prt 2 :ΣΤΑ ΙΣΑ !
Σαν τον Τρυανταφυλλόπουλο είμαι εδώ ρε φίλε..................
Μπα, εδώ μοιάζεις πιο πολύ με Κάσνα
Originally Posted by Angels
Ποστ οφ δε γιαρ. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Quote:
Originally Posted by Phantom Duck
Originally Posted by eleventh guardian
nai re mlka, idios me kasnaferh einai o pousths!!!
:lol: :shock: Θεος.
Originally Posted by AngelOfSorrow
αληθινό είναι αυτό ρε;
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
kai logika einai apo tin idia omada...
Παλιοί πίνακες ζωγραφικής εγχείρισης καρκίνου μαστού
Mrs Prince of Coborough Street, is depiced as a woman of about 40 years of age in a lace cap, wearing a dark purple dress, open to below the bosom, and a yellow shawl, her right breast surgically removed, the wound open.
Watercolour 1841
Kamata Keishu (1804)
In 1851 Kamata Keishu (1794-1854) published a surgical treatise called "Geka kihai" in which he described and illustrated the surgical techniques pioneered by his teacher, the renowned Japanese surgeon, Seishu Hanaoka (1760-1835). This 1804 illustration, "The Picture of Breast Cancer", shows the excision of a cancerous growth from a woman's breast. Seishu and his wife are portrayed in a famous Japanese book and movie titled, "The Doctor's Wife". Seishu's operation on his wife was an 19th c. attempt to perform a complex surgical procedure under general anesthesia using Tsusen san, an herbal mixture of mandragora and aconite roots.[/spoiler:1erznnzr]
περισσότερα εδώ
pote piges orange bar re thee?Quote:
Originally Posted by Sotos_The_Tequiler ... gDtrID=251
δεν θα είχε κανένα ενδιαφέρον, αν δεν με βεβαίωναν έγκυρες πηγές ότι το περιεχόμενο του δοχείου είναι σπέρμα, επανοηματοδοτώντας ανάλογα και την είδηση. :roll: