Men Eater
The super-group tag is thrown around much too often nowadays, but Men Eater definitely includes the cream of the crop of the current portuguese underground movement. The band shares musicians with well-known groups as For The Glory, Blacksunrise, Riding Pânico and Mushin, but it’s so much more than your average side-project it almost hurts. The idea of getting it together was born in a pretty casual way though in the back of a van, while driving back home from a festival in Spain. Sérgio (vocals), Miguel (guitars), Carlos (guitars) and Carlos BB (drums) were just bouncing ideas and, all of a sudden, it struck them as a bolt of lightning why the fuck dont we start a project together?. It took shape in a day and became a reality on the next, more or less a year ago. No big plans to conquer the world or anything, just a shared love for good music and enough inspiration to start writing the first songs almost immediately As simple as that. After some months of work and with bass player João already on board, they decided to record the first five songs which were quickly self-released as an EP. The sound contained on «Men Eater» a vicious bomb of sludge/crust riffs mixed with stoner and ambient influences hit the scene like a musical tsunami, a huge wave capable of causing chaos and confusion amongst the fans and media.