Αυτός είναι ο Κρίς Κρόκερ. :P
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Αυτός είναι ο Κρίς Κρόκερ. :P
Χέβημέταλς 2. :dfinger:
Originally Posted by GuardianOfIvorytower
πάρα πολύ ωραίες ρε, εύγε.
στείλε μου αν θέλεις την πρώτη απ' αυτές στο quote σε μεγάλη ανάλυση, θενκς.
ψηθηκες φαλακροκορακαQuote:
Originally Posted by FIXXXER
thanks. έχεις pmQuote:
Originally Posted by 12 stars circle your brow
You put a DVD into your DVD player, but none of the buttons on the remote will function until you finish watching the promotions, the FBI copyright warning, and the logo for the studio. FUCK YOU.
You accidentally hit a button no your cell phone and find that you are surfing the web at $1.50 per minute. Unfortunately the phone is in your pocket and you discover it three hours later. FUCK YOU.
You try to get your browser window to the forefront by clicking anywhere on the page. Since literally everything on the web page is clickable (probably to get ad revenue), you end up loading a flash movie that is trying to sell you diapers for the elderly or something. FUCK YOU.
and F U C K Y O U in binary...
for many years to come
Lordi Lola.
"The Hamburger Fatty Melt, a Burger with Two Grilled Cheese Sandwiches as Its Bun"
http://aht.seriouseats.com/archives/200 ... ref=se-bb4
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