episis mhn kanete perierges kiniseis me pantelonia amfivolou poiotitas.
kai perimenw na perasei h wra na paradwsw thn ergasia mou.
mou perase apo to mialo h idea na valw gia eksofilo to consumer whore alla o mikros ageloudinos nikise.
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episis mhn kanete perierges kiniseis me pantelonia amfivolou poiotitas.
kai perimenw na perasei h wra na paradwsw thn ergasia mou.
mou perase apo to mialo h idea na valw gia eksofilo to consumer whore alla o mikros ageloudinos nikise.
Ο Πορν ξερει απο μεγαλη μπαλα. ο Μπεστ το βραδυ σκιζει FM κωλαρακια.
Originally Posted by wraithmare
ε, ναι. Εκει κοντα ειναι το Μιτσμαννοσπιτο.
geia pali :D
8elw na ma8w gallika.
(afou den ema8a ellinika xaxaxaxa)
Απαίσια γλώσσα. Κι απαίσιοι άνθρωποι. :P
na sinanastrefesai me to eidos sou esy
Welcome back!!Quote:
Originally Posted by NuC
Ζεις ρε..? :P
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The complete guide to Belarus
Ah, Belarus! Stuck in the 1980s ... ruled by a dictator with a cheesy moustache ... 23% radioactive ... what's not to love? Not that being 'The Land that Time Forgot' doesn't have its advantages. After all, the country managed to avoid the ugly Wild-East capitalist boom that Russia suffered, and the capital is still as clean and orderly as any propaganda poster.
Minsk where? Okay, so it’s not the most well-known of travel destinations, but this little city has a lot going for it – impressive, Soviet-style architecture, beautiful parks, friendly natives, goofy nightclubs … oh, and let’s not forget all those KGB informants poking their noses around, scribbling little notes. To make the most of your stay, keep your espionage activities to a minimum and check out these pages for the latest on what to see and where to go.
Belarus is a vast steppe straddling the shortest route between Moscow and the Polish border. Wide stretches of unbroken birch groves, vast forested marshlands and wooden villages amid rolling green and black fields give it a haunting beauty.
Belarusian (official)
Russian (essential)
Although Belarusian is the official language, Russian is more widely spoken.
Average January temperatures are between -4°C and -8°C (25-18°F), and there's frost on the ground 7 to 8 months of the year. The warmest month is July, when temperatures normally reach 19°C (66°F). It's wettest in June and August, and there's snow cover from December to April.
When the Chornobyl (aka Chernobyl) nuclear power station in Ukraine melted down in 1986, Belarus was harder hit than the Ukraine itself. Around one-fifth of the country was seriously contaminated, and the tide of political opinion turned against continued membership in the Union.
Pretty much everyone needs a visa to enter Belarus. The exceptions are nationals of Armenia, Cuba, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
Getting Around
In theory there are domestic flights between Minsk, Brest, Homel, Hrodna, Mahileu, Mazyr and Vitsebsk, but in reality very few domestic flights actually get off the ground, owing to fuel restrictions.
Recent History
Lucashenko has made a habit of antagonising the West without provoking direct conflict, part of his unorthodox style of management. Opposition hopes were pinned on elections held in May 1999, but Lucashenko triumphed again with his trademark mixed bag of tactics that render all opposition ineffectual. Under his rule, Belarus has slipped from one of the most promising of the former Soviet republics to an inward-looking, corrupt backwater with a faltering economy.
Arriving in Minsk
Arriving in Minsk is easy. The hard part is arriving in Belarus. Whether doing so at one of its many land borders or by plane, the experience will most likely bring with it many memories to savour in years to come. Belarusian border delays are notorious, and promise to stay that way for at least the foreseeable future. Depending on the mood of the customs officials, you may or may not be asked to fill out a customs declaration form. A customs declaration form is a small piece of paper with some writing on it, usually in Russian, occasionally in German, and rarely in English. A customs declarations form is a very serious piece of paper, and should not be taken lightly. Neither should it be lost. Hang on to it. You may also have your bags searched, and if you're really lucky, get your passport intimately fiddled with by an abundance of large-hatted, suspicious officials. Expect this procedure to take anywhere from between five minutes and all day. Once approval to enter Belarus is granted, you'll rarely if ever encounter the authorities again until it's time to leave, when the entire ridiculous pantomime is replayed in reverse.
Tourist Information
The only thing Minsk has that's remotely like a tourist information office is a counter run by the state tourist agency, Belintourist, attached to the Yubileynaya Hotel. Naturally it's closed on weekends, when tourists might come.
Open 09:00 - 13:00, 13:45 - 18:00. Fri 09:00 - 13:00, 13:45 - 16:45. Closed Sat, Sun.
When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, nobody bothered to tell the Belarusians. Or at least that's what you'd think given the abundance of Lenin statues and other Soviet-style flash that still decorates public squares throughout the country. For many visitors, this back-in-the-USSR panache is a big part of Belarus's charm, particularly the Stalin-era city centre of Minsk. Not all the holdovers from that period are as fun though – nearly all enterprise is state-owned, the KGB still harasses the population and bureaucracy is rampant. Expect to spend lots of time shouting at people through very small holes in very large windows.
Highest Point
Gara Lysaya 365m
Banknotes come in denominations of 100,000, 50,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5,000, 1,000, 500, not to mention the nearly worthless 100, 50, 20 and 10 rouble varieties. Coins aren't used at all.
Belarus supposedly has one of the highest ratios of police to citizens in the world. Note however that Belarus' boys in blue are not the kind of friendly officials that you'd find in some other places, ready to help a lost tourist with directions and so forth.
Minsk Zoo
Like a Soviet gulag, but for animals.
Ancient Belarusian Culture Museum
Archaeology and ethnology fans will wet themselves at the prospect of seeing the collection of folk garments here, not to mention the remains of an ancient boat dug up a few years ago by a forester from the silt of the river Sozh. Be sure to arrange your visit ahead of time or you won't get in.
Admission free.
Restaurant Akropol (Acropolis)
Somehow Akropol always appears on lists of Minsk's recommended restaurants, and always sends In Your Pocket reviewers running away in horror. In the past, it was the abysmal service and food that clinched it. On our last visit we were greeted by an old, snot-covered maitre d' in dirty jogging pants, and decided McDonald's might not be such a bad idea after all.
Westworld Club
Huge, sleazy and always good for a laugh, Westworld is the place where apathy and recklessness meet for tequila shots. Locals have dubbed it 'Shayba', meaning 'hockey puck' – a fitting description of this riverside building attached to the hotel Belarus ... and maybe half of the people inside. There's something for everyone here: Girls in miniskirts wiggle around the dance floor while being shot with lasers, foreign men with moustaches stare intently at the prostitutes lingering at the bar while everyone else gets lost in the sheer absurdity of the whole scene.
Be careful with photographing Government buildings,train stations and anything military.
PS: Exoun poli pou ti lene PINSK.- /me in love.
και επίσης:
Παίζει να έκανε σεισμό εδώ, αλλά παίζει και να το είδα στον ύπνο μου :?
Ο Εγκέλαδος αποφάσισε να επισκεφθεί και τις βόρειες περιοχές της χώρας, μετά την αρκετά ενοχλητική παραμονή του στο νότιο Ιόνιο.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lost_In_Cooperland
Έτσι δείχνει τουλάχιστον η σεισμική δόνηση μεγέθους 4,7 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ που σημειώθηκε το πρωί της Τετάρτης, στις 10.01.
Αξιοσημείωτο είναι ότι το επίκεντρο εντοπίζεται μόλις 40 χιλιόμετρα νοτιοανατολικά της πόλης, μεταξύ Ζαγκλιβερίου Θεσσαλονίκης και Πολυγύρου Χαλκιδικής.
Η δόνηση προκάλεσε ανησυχία στους κατοίκους της ευρύτερης Βόρειας Ελλάδας, στους νομούς Θεσσαλονίκης,Χαλκιδικής και Κιλκίς.
Δεν το είδα στον ύπνο μου δλδ. Κάτι χρόνια είχε να κουνήσει πάντως.
Το Google Earth αναβαθμίστηκε, δείχνει και άλλες πόλεις εκτός της Αθήνας. Μπορώ πλέον να θαυμάζω καθημερινά το μέρος που κρατά την ευτυχία μου μακρυά.
Ιδού. Λάρισα, μοίρα 110 ΠΑ.