Τα emoticon που κάνω προσθήκη από άλλους συνομιλητές στο messenger αποθηκεύονται σε κάποιον φάκελο? Που?
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Τα emoticon που κάνω προσθήκη από άλλους συνομιλητές στο messenger αποθηκεύονται σε κάποιον φάκελο? Που?
apo oso gnwrizw, oxi.
diladi an kaneis uninstall/format h otidipote tetoio kai xreiastei na peraseis neo msn apo tin arxi, ta exases.
kane search gia folder CustomEmoticons. an exeis polla accounts tha xei polla. antigrafse ta kapou kai se o,ti vreis mesa allaje to extension se gif. meta add ena ena. sto live toulaxiston.
episis mporeis na dokimaseis auta:
http://www.download.com/ConCon-Retrieve ... ag=lst-0-2
http://www.download.com/Messenger-Backu ... ag=lst-0-3
yparxei ki ena exedaki pou vazeis to email kai vriskei to id (to concon to thelei px), alla ama den exoun mpei paaaaara polla atoma ap to pc sou msn den polyxreiazetai nomizw, to vriskeis psaxnontas.
Άμα βρεις και την ξανθια μουνίτσα που έπαιζε... :)
Respect και στους 2.Quote:
Originally Posted by Marillion
γνωριζει κανεις τον average μισθο ενος pro gamer;
ws ekei pou den paei...Quote:
Originally Posted by Marillion
kai enw tha eprepe na diavazw, me thn anamnhsh tis pic ksethapsa to gk2 kai twra vriskomai stis arxes tou 2ou cd xeirizontas thn Grace.
Exw sygkinh8ei, apo thn tromaktikh mousikh, to senariako vathos, ksexnontas otidhpote allo symvainei gyrw mou. To game development tha eprepe na anagnwristei san texnh epitelous. Prepei na eisai adahs gia na mhn anagnwriseis to syggrafiko talento ths jane jensen E.
kai enw sto elladistan h zesth xtypaei kokkino egw vriskomai sthn germania kai sto kastro ths Ritter family me ena vary palto.
το zombie mod του garry's mod ειναι θ-ε-ι-κ-ο
Xo Xo Xo. Ποιός το γαμάει το Fallout 3...
... και η επιβεβαίωση!Code:There is mysterious hint from a 1Up Yours podcast nearly two weeks ago. Garnett Lee, Managing Editor of 1Up, said the following in a conversation about Bethesda's Fallout 3, at the 80:50 mark:
I think we are going to see a spiritual successor to Fallout One and Two from the guy who originally did Wasteland, and I'm just going to leave it at that.
Code:Brian Fargo, producer of Wasteland, founder of Interplay and InXile, told Duck and Cover:
I am indeed looking into bringing back the game that spawned the Fallout series. Stay tuned....
Tι παπαρια μπορει να ναι αυτη που εμφανιζεται καθε φορα μλς μπαινω στην επιφανεια εργασιας και την κανω close καθε φορα χωρις να τσεκαρω τι/πως/γιατι?
Ths poutanas ths Hewlett-Packard einai h efarmogh.