8a prospa8hsw na eimai ekei
exw k spiti ekei :)
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8a prospa8hsw na eimai ekei
exw k spiti ekei :)
8) ok... θα κρατάω ένα μπουκάλι και για 'μένα :D
xarhka pou sas gnwrisa koritsa :D
Αυτά τα λένε από κοντά.
A man with no arms has been caught speeding at 121 km/h (75 mph), according to police in New Zealand.
The driver, who used one foot to steer and another to operate the pedals, told officers he was born with no arms but had been driving for years.
The 32-year-old had passengers in the car when he was stopped on a highway near Papamoa in the Bay of Plenty area.
Police fined the unemployed man NZ$170 (£60) and banned him from driving, local media reported.
The driver, whose name has not been published, was going well over the speed limit of 100 km/h (60 mph) when he was stopped by police on Thursday.
Senior Constable Brent Gray approached the driver's window, saw a foot on the dashboard and noticed the seat was reclined.
Mr Gray told colleagues he thought the man had an "attitude", then noticed the driver had no arms.
"He (Mr Gray) was pretty shocked by that, as you would be," acting Senior Sgt Deirdre Lack was quoted as telling local newspaper the Bay of Plenty Times.
The driver told police he had never held a driving licence.
Ms Lack said the motorist had been a danger to fellow drivers because he was breaking the limit.
"Obviously, driving at a speed like that, arms or not, you're just waiting for an accident," she said.
mama de 8elw na paw sthn parelash....mama mhhhhh....8elw na meinw spiti na dw spiderman....mama de mou kanei to foulariii mou einai mikrooo...mamaa oxi parelash sou lewwww
ela hremhse teleiwse ... :roll:Quote:
Originally Posted by MeLinDa
Αχαχαχαχα. Θυμάμαι τους κλασσικούς τσακωμούς με τον λυκειάρχη, ο οποίος απειλούσε πως θα φάμε αποβολή αν δεν συμμετάσχουμε στην παρέλαση.Quote:
Originally Posted by MeLinDa
na rwtisw kati gamw tous dwdeka theous tou olimpou k tis mousses mazi. GIATI STA KAKAKIA DE MPORW NA KANW GAMWQUOTE K NA VALW GAMWEIKONA STA GAMWPOSTS POU GAMWKANW????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Originally Posted by Pitsadoros
to tilefwno ths se pm
:yawn: βαριέμαι.
giati ola ta kanalia exoun malakies tora?
giati de skeftika na noikiaso ena dvd noritera...? :|
συμβαίνει και στις καλύτερες οικογένειες.
amesws meta to live mphkes er?
ligh kratei me tis syginhseis pia... :D